
When to spend at the grocery store and when to save

in a typical supermarket, there are more than 42000 products (in addition to a dazzling series of marketing promotions related to the health benefits of food and drink), so it seems to be a difficult task to find out when more money should be spent to buy the high price and when to save money. Is organic food the best? Is famous brand important? Is it OK to buy a store brand or a large box? To help you sift through the hype and confusion, we've sorted the 10 popular foods and determined which ones are worth the extra bills, and when you should cut corners.

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savings: olive oil rich in monounsaturated fat, a heart-friendly oil, no matter what brand you buy or its country of origin. To get the most flavor, choose "extra virgin" olive oil; it comes naturally from the pressed olive tree fruit. In order to get the best nutrition, fresh is better. Keep the oil in a cool, dark place to keep it at its best. Don't feel like you need to buy the most expensive option for the most delicious oil. Surprisingly, some of the most versatile extra virgin olive oils are used in your daily dishes at a lower price. Even store brands can be a good choice. If you have a chance, do a taste test and find your favorite. In addition, unlike rape, corn and soybean oil, genetically modified organisms in olive oil are currently not genetically modified, so you don't have to worry about them.

correlation: 16 snacks that can be eaten at night

canned beans, such as cannellini, Pinto and black, are plant-based winners because they have the synergistic effect of protein and dietary fiber. However, not all canned beans are the same. First, common canned beans may contain one or more additives, including EDTA disodium calcium, which sometimes helps to maintain color. It interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Another problem is related to the can itself. Many can liners contain a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA). This is known as endocrine disruptor. The easiest way to avoid additives is to buy organic beans. The easiest way to avoid BPA in canned beans (or other canned products) is to check the EWG website; they list brands that do not contain BPA, including Amy's and westbrae natural.

related: 20 foods that always buy organic food (even if you're on budget!) : SPOS / natasamandic H3> preservation: dry flavor

dry flavor provides an antioxidant with almost no calories or sodium. Using them in cooking is one of the easiest ways to increase flavor and health benefits. For most tastes and benefits, the key is not the cost or prestige of the spice, but its age. Fresher is better, even if it's regular bulk spices. The whole spice lasts longer (up to four years) than the ground spice (up to three years). So buy a whole set of spices and grind them in a coffee grinder or spice mill. If you don't know the age of your spices, use your senses: if spices have only a light fragrance, few flavors and faded colors, replace them. However, if you don't use it often, don't waste money on a large economic spice; many things will eventually become food waste and money waste.

correlation: 16 snacks that can be eaten at night


extravagance: rapeseed oil is one of the most popular edible oils in the United States today, due to its healthy fatty acid profile, neutral flavor and high smoke point. Like olive oil, it's rich in monounsaturated fats. However, unlike olives, most of the canola crops used to produce traditional canola oil come from genetically modified seeds. About 90% of American crops are genetically modified. In addition, the traditional production of petroleum also needs a lot of processing, including chemical (solvent) extraction, refining and deodorization. The easiest way to avoid chemical solvents and genetically modified organisms in canola oil is to buy an organic brand of exporter pressed certified by the U.S. Department of agriculture, or look for a non genetically modified project validation seal on a bottle.

related: 20 kinds of food always buy organic food (even if you have a budget!)

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preservation: Avocado

is a natural and nutritious fruit with rich health benefits, including fruits related to heart and eye health. Although chemical pesticides are used in the traditional avocado production, the pesticide residues related to consumption are not concerned. In fact, avocado was included in the 2015 "clean 15" list of the environmental working group, which means there are almost no pesticide residues. This is their cleanest product! Only 1% of avocados studied by EWG contain any measurable pesticides. In addition, you peel off the whole skin of the fruit. All in all, this means that avocado is not necessarily one of the fruits that can be squandered and purchased organically.

correlation: 16 kinds of snacks that can be eaten at night


extravagance: Apple

Apple is the first fruit in the Environmental Working Group (EWG) "dirty dozen" in 2015. List. If you're fresh fruit, that's not where you want to be. That means Apple has more pesticide residues than any other product they test. More specifically, 99% of all apples they sampled contained at least one plague. The remains of the killing. These residues can cause cancer! So if you can afford only one organic fruit, pick an apple! However, keep in mind that if you have to stick with traditional varieties, the benefits of eating fresh produce outweigh the risks. Wipe them clean!

related: 20 kinds of food, you can buy organic food at any time (even if you have a budget!)

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preservation: dry pasta

although there may be slight flavor differences between different brands of dry pasta, all traditional pasta in the United States are made of the same basic formula. Whole wheat pasta is made from whole wheat flour. " "White" pasta is made of wheat flour and other niacin, iron, sulfurAmines, riboflavins and folates. Both types are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. Although you can only get the benefits of whole grains (and more fiber, of course!). Whole wheat spaghetti. And both Italian and American wheat is currently non GM, so there's no need to buy organic or premium Italian brands (unless you just want to buy them). In addition, the taste of spaghetti mostly comes from the things you put on it, not the spaghetti itself.

correlation: 16 snacks to eat at night

Credit: Gregor Schuster / photographer's choice / Getty Images

waste: canned tuna, if you don't choose wisely, you may get excessive mercury (technically methylmercury). Over time, this pollutant will accumulate in your blood. It can also cause damage to the nervous system of unborn babies or young children. According to the current FDA and EPA guidelines, it is recommended that adults eat canned white tuna or albacore tuna no more than once a week, in 6 oz portions. Canned light tuna generally contain less mercury. But the best option is to buy a low mercury, sustainable source tuna brand, such as wild planet, which specifically states this on can, pouch or can labels or trusted website materials that do not contain BPA. It's worth wasting!

related: 20 kinds of food, you can buy organic food at any time (even if you have a budget!)

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water saving

water is the cheapest drink in the United States, even if parts of the United States are facing drought! Today, there are many kinds of bottled water, from the best quality to the best taste, to the nutritional advantages, including the "spring of youth", all inclusive, but in fact, almost 100% of the water is still ordinary old water. So save a lot of money and stick to a safe tap water supply - like your own tap. If you like, splurge on the water filter to make sure your water doesn't contain any pollutants. For health, hippie water, add your own natural ingredients, such as orange slices or fresh herbs, and from cool reusable bottles. In this way, you will also help save the planet by making sure that no bottles are made or discarded.

correlation: 16 snacks that can be eaten at night

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extravagance: beef beef, at least make sure it is fed without antibiotics; this may help reduce the occurrence of "superbacteria", which are antibiotic resistant bacteria. Ideally, choose organic beef; it comes from animals that don't have antibiotics or artificial growth hormones, and their feed is organically certified. If you can, take one more step and choose 100% grass to feed beef; the animal's life-long diet is mainly grass. Buying herbivorous beef rather than cereal beef is an investment in health because it may be more nutritious than traditional beef, including the provision of more carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids.

related: 20 kinds of food always buy organic food (even if you have a budget!) What do you think of boltonkov / iStock / Getty Images?

what products do you spend more money on? What's cheap? Do you buy organic food? Do you use bulk containers for shopping? Share your saving or wasting shopping tips with us in the comments below.

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