
10 yoga postures to make you sleep better at night

after a long and intense day in the office, relaxing at night is a very challenging thing, and you may still feel too tired when you sleep. When some people have a drink or two to relax, it actually makes it harder for them to get a good sleep. Strenuous exercise can help relieve stress, but if you do it too close to bedtime, you may have trouble falling asleep. Although some yoga styles (such as Dionysian yoga) can be considered energetic, you should avoid practicing some gentle, relaxing and inducing postures and deep breathing before going to bed, which can help you prepare for a good night's sleep. Put a yoga mat by the bed and spend 20 minutes doing these 10 positions before going to bed to get real relaxation. Points: yolando Cano / demand media

1. Although Padmasana is not regarded as a body posture in itself, breathing practice in yoga is the main factor of its calming effect on brain and body. " In order to stabilize and strengthen the nervous system, I like to focus on simple breathing in and out, "said Lawrence Lisa Leighton, a certified yoga teacher and general practitioner in Santa Fe, New Mexico. How to do it: before entering your body position, take a few minutes to determine your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position (like the lotus pose in the picture above), inhale and exhale through the nostrils for up to 25 times, and extend the exhalation time as much as possible. Temani Aldine, a certified yoga instructor and vice president of Dahn yoga, Ariz., recommends abdominal breathing - breathing deeply into the abdomen, allowing it to expand with each inhale, then exhaling fully, bringing the navel closer to the spine.

correlation: deep breathing sleep practice

Credit: yolando Cano / demand media

2. Although its name sounds energetic, taking a few minutes before bedtime can help you relax. Methods: sitting in Japanese style, knees bent, legs folded below. Your toes should be flat on the floor, your spine straight, and your shoulders and head aligned with your hips. If your knee is under too much pressure, put a pad or pillow between your feet and your hips on it. " "Heroic posture is great to calm down," says Yoga coach tman Aldin. It helps your physical and emotional stability. Sitting in this position, Aldin said, stimulates the pressure points on the toes of the feet, which promotes overall relaxation.

correlation: 5 kinds of restorative yoga postures, which make you sleep stably.

Credit: yolando Cano / demand media

3. Uttanasana

if you have a lot of tension in your neck or shoulders, or if you have a tension headache, yoga teacher Lawrence Lisa lebdon suggests pressing your thumb along the occipital bone at the base of your skull in this position. Methods: stand with feet apart from hips, hips folded forward and fingertips facing the ground. Legs slightly bent, ribs on thighs. Bend your elbows with your arms and hold them with your other hand to relax your upper body completely. Next, lebreton suggests "brushing" the back of your head with your fingertips. Manually remove the residue, which is a great pressure on your body during the day. "It's almost as if you can wipe out the energy around you, and related: 11 yoga postures can eliminate the stress of the day," she said. "The cat mother pose" (marjaryasana and bitilasana)

emphasizes relaxation and stretching of the spine, "said yoga coach temani Aldine. Method: put your hands and knees on the ground, your wrists under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips. " Breathing is essential in this regard, "Aldin said. As you inhale, as you raise your head and tailbone toward the ceiling, gently lower your abdomen toward the floor. Twist, exhale deeply around the spine, chin to chest. " In today's lifestyle, people have a lot of tension on their backs. Any position that helps you move and stretch your back will help you get a deeper rest. "

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Credit: yolando Cano / demand media

5. Halasana

Yoga coach temani Aldine suggested changing the plow and paying more attention to deep abdominal breathing. How to do it: to get into this slightly more advanced position, lie on your back with your legs up and over your torso so you can grab your feet or calves. You don't have to walk all the way to the full plow position, but Aldine says it's important to keep your shoulders firmly on the floor while lifting your tailbone. "Your center of gravity should be in the middle of your back, under your shoulders, which is also an important stress point," she said. If you turn on the pressure point, it will produce deeper breathing and relaxation. "

correlation: how to make plough (video)

Credit: yolando / demand media

6. Balasana

"we need to teach this to everyone," said Laurence Lisa lebreton, a yoga teacher who suggested sitting for a few minutes before going to bed. Methods: sitting in a Japanese position, then separating the knees and keeping the big toes in contact. Lower your forehead to the floor. " Because we lower our heads, it really soothes the nervous system, "says Leighton. Keep your abdomen taut and arms stretched forward or on both sides. Lebreton also stressed that if possible, your hips should touch your heels in this position. If that's not possible, put a pillow or cushion behind your knee and raise your sitting bones.

correlation: 11 basic yoga postures that everyone should practice

merit: yolando Cano / demand media

7. Extending the corpse pose (Savasana)

seems too simple and not very effective, but yoga coach temani Aldine ensures that doing this pose before going to bed will bring more peaceful sleep. How to do it: lie on your back, raise your arms over your head, and point your index finger. " You form a straight line from your feet to your arms, elbows and index fingers, which really helps to relax your upper back, "says Aldin. Many people maintain tension in their upper back, which can help release tension and promote relaxation. It is recommended to breathe naturally in this position, focusing on relaxing your arms and letting your shoulders relax. The only thing you need to stretch is your index finger. It does help relax the spine and upper back. " PhaseOff:

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yolando Cano / demand media

8. Viparita karani

in the handstand position, such as the wall on the leg, blood will flow back to the heart and head. Yoga teacher Laurence Lisa lebreton called it "clean your head", and said it is very effective to relieve pressure. What to do: sit on the floor facing the wall. Swing your legs up so that your hips are at right angles to the wall and as close to the wall as possible, with your entire back on the floor. Put your legs on the wall. You can put a pillow or cushion under your hips to make this position easier and more supportive. Arms together, palms up. Leighton suggests you stay here as long as possible, but five minutes is ideal.

correlation: Credit: 9. According to her overall medical background, Laurence Lisa lebreton, a yoga teacher, suggests to make a twist to compress the spleen. She said that in traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is considered to be not only responsible for the digestion of food, but also for your digestion of the day. "What's the matter?" (in traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen can be closer to the pancreas than the Western spleen. Its main function is to store blood.) Taking a few minutes in a transition can help you clear some of the mental debris that makes it harder for you to sleep, says Leighton. Methods: lie on your back, extend your arms to both sides, palm down, make your body T-shaped, fold your knees to your chest, put your shoulders on the floor, kneel on your right knee, turn your head to the left. Breathe here for a minute or two, then when you turn your head to the right, move your knees to the left. If your knees can't touch the floor without your shoulders up, place a pillow under your knees as a support.

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points: yolando Cano / demand media

10. Savasana

in the last position before going to bed, you will let your body completely relax and let all the benefits of the position you just made take effect. How to do it: return to normal breathing, lie on your back, put your arms on both sides of your body, slightly away from your body, palm up, facing the ceiling. Relax your legs so that your feet can be sideways. Close your eyes and let your body relax completely, but don't fall asleep right away. " "In this [posture], it's important to be aware of what's going on without being involved in the process," said yoga teacher Lawrence Lisa Leighton. Deep physical and mental rest, relaxation and renewal. "

Credit: yolando Cano / demand media

What's your evening event? After completing these postures, you should feel relaxed enough to lie in bed and enter a deep and lasting sleep. However, keep in mind that the benefits of regular yoga practice take time to realize. You may find that if you do this every night, your sleep will become better and more stable over time. In addition to yoga practice, you may want to change other ways of life to make your sleep more stable, including reducing alcohol intake, avoiding caffeine in the afternoon and evening, and avoiding eating foods that may disturb your sleep, such as spicy food, too early before going to bed. Have you tried these positions? Can they help you sleep better? Do you have bedtime habits that help you fall asleep? Please leave a message below, let us know!

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Credit: yolando Cano / demand media