
The Net Worth Of These Celebrities Will Make Your Head Spin

Brett Favre – $100m

Brett Favre was active for the NFL for 19 years, over which managed to achieve quite a number of NFL records, and today every American knows who he is! We hope he is enjoying his well-deserved retirement. He certainly earned his enormous fortune, given how much he contributed to his various teams and the NFL’s performance in general. He has left behind an incredible set of benchmarks for current and future players to work towards.

Brett Favre – $100m

Brett Favre – $100m

Megyn Kelly – $30m-$45m

Megyn Kelly, a former corporate defense attorney, started to work as a news anchor for FOX News in 2004 all the way into 2017. In 2014, she was in TIME Magazine’s list of top 100 influential people, and in 2016 she already had a net worth of £15 million, and that was before she announced she was leaving for NBC. It seems that in the four years since then she has managed to amass even greater wealth, go Megyn!

Megyn Kelly – $15m

Megyn Kelly – $15m

Mandy Moore – $10m-$14m

According to different sources Mandy Moore has a net worth of somewhere between a whopping $10m and $14m, either way, that is super impressive! Mandy Moore actually started her career in the music industry before moving into acting. She had a debut single in 1998, but the acting really put her on the radar. Mandy featured in a number of unforgettable films, such as A Walk to Remember, Because I Said So, and The Princess Diaries. And we got to hear her beautiful voice again as Rapunzel in Tangled. Currently, Mandy is starring as Rebecca Pearson in the hit US drama series, This Is Us.

Mandy Moore – $10m

Mandy Moore – $10m