
Do these 11 so-called super foods really reach the level of hype?

modern life has its advantages, but sedentary lifestyle (and its impact on health) is not one of them. No wonder we are attracted to the ancient traditional food. From bulletproof coffee to bone soup, many of the most popular antidotes today have a rich history, while others, such as micro green leaves and aloe juice, are essentially novel plants that have existed for a long time. They all have something in common: your attention. Discovering the therapeutic potential of food is certainly exciting, but don't mistake enthusiasm for credibility. In order to help you see clearly before jumping, nutrition experts from all over the country introduced 12 kinds of the most popular "healthy" food.

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1. Bulletproof coffee, also known as buttered coffee, mixes black coffee with one to two tablespoons of unsalted butter and medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil from grazing cows. RDN, the boss of Marisa Moore nutrition, shared with Marisa Moore: "although it may be new to you, it is very popular all over the world and is the staple food of Tibetans. Traditional butter tea (conceptually similar to butter coffee) is an essential energy source for Tibetans to help them survive in the harsh Himalayan climate, where food rarely grows." Supporters claim it can provide lasting energy, promote brain development and lose weight. "I don't know what research supports the so-called benefits, but it's not a crime to drink a little buttered coffee every now and then," Moore said. Think about this: a cup can burn about 400 calories without producing protein, fiber or a lot of vitamins and minerals like solid food. Moore's last sentence: "replacing a nutritious breakfast with this high-fat, low nutrition drink will make it difficult for you to meet your daily nutritional needs. It's not worth much hype. Maple water is the maple liquid before maple syrup, a kind of less sweet dilute liquid extracted from maple. Some people call this bottled maple sap the new coconut water. In addition to replenishing the body with water, it can also strengthen bones, fight inflammation, control blood sugar and solve thyroid problems. " Sharon Palmer, author of "plants power life," said: "there is no research specifically focused on Maple water. However, she pointed out that research on plant chemicals and glucose in the form of syrup was on the rise. In terms of nutrition, maple water is an excellent source of manganese, which is very good, except that Americans do well in the manganese sector. If you like its taste, it shouldn't be too hard to balance its 15 calories and three grams of sugar per service, but you may want to stick with giving it a magic panacea. Palmer's last sentence was, "you may be as good as drinking water." Now listen to the Simpsons: the author of the Simpsons ran a marathon and was still living to make fun of it. Bone soup

is basically a soup made of high bone to meat ratio. Bone soup has been for a while. It sees Kobe Bryant as a fan and is interested enough to support a soup only delivery window in New York City. The idea is to release nutrients such as collagen, anti-inflammatory fat, amino acids and minerals from animal bones to help with a range of diseases, including joint pain, intestinal leakage, dull skin and the common cold. " I recommend bone and meat soup for the digestive healing properties of collagen, "said Robin foroutan, MD, general nutritionist and general health consultant. However, research on both risks and benefits is limited, including an active study on the treatment of congestion by chicken soup and a worrisome study on organic chicken soup, which found that more than nutrients are extracted from bones. Chicken broth has a higher lead content (up to 9.5 μ g / L) than the water it makes (0.89 μ g / L), but it is still lower than the EPA limit for drinking water (15 μ g / L). As long as you don't eat it in the morning, at noon and at night, and the sodium content is not too high, bone soup can add some positive nutrients to your diet. If it can replace the less nutritious food, it is particularly beneficial to you. Last sentence: if you are curious about this, try a cup of hot soup, but don't change all the liquid into soup immediately.

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4. Activated carbon

please do not stir your barbecue briquette - activated carbon is a little different: it is non-toxic, and has been processed to create more surface area, with complex internal pore structure. Clinicians know that short-term use of activated carbon can help to treat poisoning immediately. Charcoal can bind unabsorbed drugs in the gut, helping them clear faster from the body. In hospitals, it usually appears in capsules, but trend watchers see it on the menu of juice and cocktail bars, mainly as an antidote, but some even mix supplements and treatments. However, the combination of alcohol and alcohol is not good (there are many benefits for alcohol detoxification), and alcohol actually prevents it from working normally. Other precautions: activated carbon makes it more difficult for the human body to absorb micronutrients. "Constipation can occur in some cases because of its absorption characteristics," warns ginger, MD. Last sentence: let activated carbon work in your pitcher, not in your gut. As for defecation after going out at night, your liver (and plenty of water from the Brita pitcher) is covered.

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5. Bee pollen

the mixture of bee pollen, nectar and bee saliva is collected on the legs and body of worker bees, and the change of bee pollen is the same as that of the plants visited by bees. Bee pollen is not honey, nor venom is royal jelly: it consists of complex sugars, monosaccharides, fats, proteins, vitamin C and carotenoids. Enzymes in pollen are a good solution: premenstrual syndrome, allergy, eczema, bruise, hangover, premature aging, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. The death of buzz is that there is no solid evidence of any benefit. In addition, any enzyme can be broken down in the stomach and digested in the gut before being used as a drug. " Bee pollen is used as an energy supplement in traditional Chinese medicine, "said Robin foroutan, M.S., RD, who uses bee pollen to treat patients with seasonal allergies. She points out that in mice, there is an ongoing project that is good for cancer and immunity."There may be some ingredients in bee pollen that we haven't fully understood, which make it work," he said. She warned that people who are allergic to pollen may have serious reactions to it. Last sentence: people without allergies seem to be well tolerated by bee pollen, so it's safe to try bee pollen if you want, but there's not much science to support health claims. Credit: Zhao Yongshu / iStock / Getty Images

6. Coconut oil is the fat extracted from coconut meat, but unlike most vegetable oils, coconut oil is solid at room temperature because of its high saturated fat content. Most fats are medium chain triglycerides (MCT), which are easily used as fuels and have long been used to treat the problem of fat malabsorption. As a food (as opposed to as a humectant), people use it to lose weight, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, fatigue, enhance immunity and so on. However, there is not enough reliable evidence to recommend coconut oil to meet these conditions. Studies of cholesterol are contradictory, with some showing elevated cholesterol and others showing decreased cholesterol. Obesity studies have shown that it can lose weight, but it doesn't change it. " I often recommend this as part of a balanced diet - to stir fry vegetables, replace butter or other fats in baked goods, and sometimes even add smoothies, "said RDN and associate professor Mary Purdy of the University of Bastille. She added: "coconut oil is sweet and delicious, and can relieve the bitterness of some vegetables." The last sentence is: coconut oil can be treated under certain conditions, but the most powerful reason to use coconut oil is if you like its taste.

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7. Do not confuse with sprouts (just germinated seeds). They are young versions of edible vegetables and herbs. " They have taken root and harvested at the beginning of the first leaf, about 10 to 21 days after the seeds were planted, "said Sharon Palmer of RDN. In the 1990s, they attracted the attention of the culinary world for their delicate appearance, vivid colors, surprising taste and interesting texture. In 2012, nutrition researchers studied vitamin A, C, e, K and carotenoids in 25 micro green vegetables in stores. Naturally, different micro green leaves have different nutrition levels, but they are more nutrition intensive than mature leaves. The micro green of vitamin C is red cabbage, carotenoid is coriander leaf, vitamin K is pomegranate amaranth, and vitamin E is green radish. Although they may be rich in nutrients, the typical parts are small, which means the impact on the whole diet may be small. However, adding micro green vegetables to healthy dishes can only increase nutrition, let alone provide cooking highlights. Last sentence: all good things are packed in small packages. "These are delicious, nutritious foods that you can include in your diet," Palmer said.

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8. Kombucha is a yeast, although some people mistake it for mushrooms. The tea is fermented with sugar and cultures of bacteria and yeast. It has been consumed as a health product in China, Japan and Russia for at least 100 years, although it has only been popular in the United States in the past 10 years. It is used to treat a range of diseases, including memory loss, premenstrual syndrome, aging, AIDS, cancer, high blood pressure, immunity, metabolism, constipation, arthritis and hair regeneration. Science cannot support these claims. In fact, there are many side effects recorded, including stomach pain, vomiting, nausea and headache. As a fermented food, it can stimulate digestion and provide probiotics, says Mary Purdy of RDN. Last sentence: if you want to try, a safe choice is a brand of pasteurized products you trust (but you will miss probiotics). For similar nutrients, antioxidants from ordinary tea and probiotics are extracted from yogurt, pickles or other fermented foods. The documented risks outweigh the potential benefits for those who are very young, very old, pregnant or with weakened immune systems.

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9. Aloe juice

the aloe juice you can find in the store is probably made of transparent gel inside aloe vera plant, but if it is made of whole leaf or aloe emulsion, we should pay attention to laxative effect and cramp. You may see a word like "inside film", which is a transparent gel with a soothing skin, or "latex", which is a yellow layer between transparent sheets. And hard skin, containing laxatives (aloin, anthraquinone). "Aloe Vera is known to cover and soothe the gastrointestinal tract," said ginger Hultin, M.S., Rd. However, she warned, "too much aloe can cause diarrhea because it covers the gastrointestinal tract and can interact with some drugs or supplements to reduce absorption." As a food, aloe gel provides complex and simple sugars, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, tannins and sterols. People use it to lose weight, digest, enhance immunity, reduce inflammation, detoxify and overall health. There is some evidence that latex can help constipation and preliminary evidence that gel can help reduce high cholesterol. However, the science is not enough to support the health claims exactly. The last sentence: if you are interested in aloe gel drinks, it may be safe, but there is not enough evidence to prove that you can really benefit from it.

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10. Fermented food

from pickles to fruit juice, every traditional diet on the earth is characterized by fermented food, perhaps because fermentation is one of the oldest ways to prevent food deterioration. Today, they're the focus of attention because they keep trillions of friendly bacteria (probiotics) in our gut happy, which in turn keeps our digestive system (and perhaps more) running smoothly. " Fermented food is very hot and healthy now, "said ginger Hultin, M.S., Rd. Its working principle is: food contact bacteria or yeast, then take its natural sugar as food, produce lactic acid or alcohol, and then preserve food. Fermented foods are generally easier to digest and support good gut bacteria. Because the gut is where most of the body's immune system is locatedTherefore, maintaining intestinal health is conducive to maintaining overall health. There is evidence that probiotics are effective for constipation, Helicobacter pylori ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, respiratory tract infection and ulcerative colitis. It should be noted that not all fermented foods contain live probiotics, or that the strains are related to the health benefits supported by the study. In addition, fermented food may contain a lot of sodium and sugar. All in all: moderate consumption of traditional fermented food is a culturally relevant way to promote healthy digestion of friendly bacteria.

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11. When the plant seeds have the right temperature and water, they will germinate and change the bioavailability of their internal nutrients. " People go into germinated seeds, grains, and legumes because when the nuts are destroyed, these foods are more easily digested and the nutrients in the body are better absorbed by our bodies, "said ginger Hultin, M.S., Rd. Studies have shown that germination increases nutrients such as folate and fiber, antioxidants and a form of iron that is easier to biologically contact. However, there is no good evidence that the enzymes in germinated food make it pass through the gastric acid environment. Another noteworthy thing is that the warm and humid environment needed for germination is also ideal for harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli. Because of food safety risks, be sure to buy from brands you trust and refrigerate sprouted food. Last sentence: germinated food, when produced in good production practice, is a safe and healthy choice for those who have difficulty digesting grains, beans and seeds. They are also a good choice for vegetarians looking for sources of plant-based available iron.

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What do you think? One food alone can't keep healthy. It's always about balance, change and parts. Have you tried these? Have you noticed any dramatic changes? Have we persuaded you to try or avoid any of them? How will this change your view of the next popular healthy food? Please let us know in the comments below.

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