
This Is What A Foot Bath With Vinegar Can Do For You

Helps in reducing swimmer’s eczema

Eczema – this condition is characterized by a common fungal infection that usually affects the foot and occurs mainly on the soles and between the toes. However, as the name suggests, swimming eczema is not only caused by the infected swimming pool water, but it also affects you when you walk around barefoot. During this fungal infection, you may face dry, scaly, and itchy skin. Sometimes it can lead to inflammation and even blisters.

So, when you treat your feet with a vinegar bath, you basically make this infection go away naturally. Vinegar smells strong and has an anti-fungal effect that will wipe out the infection afters some time and helps you relax. The cherry on top is if you regularly or alternatively do vinegar pedicure, you will be able to manage the infection or reduce the symptoms.

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