
Celebrity Kids Who Look Exactly Like Their Parents: You Might Get Confused Who’s the Parent and Who’s the Kid

Jane Carrey & Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey’s personal life might have been a mess, but the comic-star has been a great father to his only child. Jane Carrey was born in 1987 after Jim’s whirlwind romance with Melissa Womer, a waitress and actress. Throughout her childhood, Jane, who has her father’s smile, saw quite a bit of ups and downs. She could have lived a luxurious life thanks to her father’s fat bank account, but Jane wanted to make a name for herself. The young mother has been waitressing for a living and wants to pursue a career in music. She did audition for American Idol, but got eliminated soon after. Nevertheless, we hope she continues to fight for her dreams, seeing as her father has chosen retirement already.