
How to eat healthy in Mexican restaurants

It's just that Mexican flavors can be seductive and addictive. But it's unhealthy to eat on Mexican food often, because many dishes are filled with cheese and thick sauces, fried into oblivion and full of fat. But that doesn't mean all Mexican food. There are many options that offer the same taste as the masses like so much. By learning some tips, you can learn to make healthy food choices in your favorite Mexican restaurants.

span credit: span Adobe sturt / casasis H3> 1. Don't eat chips and salad. "

say" no "to free chips and salsa. When you're waiting to eat, it's tempting to take a bite of freshly made tortillas and salsa sauce, but before you start eating, you'll have a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth, a big mouth. Chew, most of the dishes in Mexican restaurants don't take that long to prepare, so be patient and save your interest. "> credit> 2". Make smart replacements. Don't be afraid to replace things on your plate. A lot of Mexican food is fried with fat. You can still enjoy all the delicious food, but keep a healthy diet. Choose black or pinto beans instead of fried. Choose corn rolls instead of deep fried corn rolls. Choose dishes that include grilled food, such as fajita, rather than fried food.

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3. Pay attention to your portion. Mexican food is famous for its large portion. So reduce your portion. You may be able to share a dish with a friend, but you are still completely satisfied. Or when ordering, ask the waiter to serve you this dish, and then put the rest in a box for later use (or make it yourself).

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4. Avoid extra charges. Usually, you will provide a variety of condiments to enhance the flavor of Mexican food. But these extra foods will also increase your food calories. Avoid adding any extra cheese, sour cream or any cream sauce to your dish. If your dish is a little dry, order a salad. Salsa is fat free and low in calories. Take it easy. Even if avocados contain healthy fat, sometimes restaurants add mayonnaise or other fillings that contain empty calories.

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5. Stop drinking Margarita. A delicious cold Margarita seems to be the best drink in Mexican food, but the alcohol contains a lot of calories and Margarita mixture, a lot of sugar. Why don't you save those calories for eating? Instead, iced water or iced tea can cool your mouth off the hot mexican chili! If you really want to drink tequila, try some fresh squeezed lime juice.

Credit: tarikkaanmuslu / iStock / gettyimages

6. Choose vegetables over meat. There are many things on the menu that are basically equivalent to meat, cheese and beans. While it's OK to use these things alone, they combine to create a calorie bomb. So, for better nutrition, you can order some dishes including chili, onion and other vegetables. They will fill you up without adding a ton of calories. Choose a dish that features chicken rather than beef.

Credit: rez Art / iStock / gettyimages

What do you think? Do you like Mexican food? How often do you eat in a Mexican restaurant? How do you control your diet? Do you follow these suggestions? Do any of them help? Anything else? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!

Credit: Larry sabrinova / iStock / gettyimages