
20 ways to improve your life immediately

In the infamous words of Ferris Buller: "life is fast. If you don't stop occasionally to look around, you may miss it. " Of course, it's not an invitation to play truant and steal your father's car, but taking stock of your life does give you a chance to make some small adjustments, which can improve the quality of daily life. It's hard to watch what you eat or drag yourself to the gym. So, how can you adjust the process to have fun in the most mundane of everyday life, like getting up and getting ready for work? We asked some of our experts and enthusiastic members of the community. Think of their advice as a small upgrade that will allow you to step into the first class on your way to life.

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1. Start paying attention to yourself

"pay attention to your feelings. Pay attention to how your body reacts when you eat certain foods. "Observe how you feel during, after, and during exercise," said Tara stiles, chair of Yoga solutions and yoga coach. "When we focus instead of making impulsive decisions in a hurry, we eat better, exercise more, and make choices that maintain a healthy and happy life," she said. IStock / kicsicsicsi / Chris Hughes

2. "Exercise with people," said steffik1, a member of the community. Every day I take a walk with my best friend for 60 to 90 minutes, but because we chat and take a walk, it feels like 5 minutes! In fact, research shows that people train harder with friends, especially those you think are particularly suitable for. Or, make healthy new friends like community member beachgurlz. " A good way to improve your chances of regular exercise is to join a group. Earlier this year, I joined a running group, although in fact I ran too slowly. Having a large (ISH) group means that there will always be people there to chat in advance and celebrate with them. There are people who can compare notes, and you don't need to rely on a partner who may or may not choose to appear. "The same is true for Irish girl 71, who said," I joined a running group and made some amazing new friends. "

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / aksonov

3. "I do drink a lot of water, but there's always sugar free soda in my daily life - usually two cokes a day," admits remyle34, a community member at Last year, I thought it wasn't the best option for me, so I started to cut back on soda from my daily life. I found the bubbling water, which gave me my favorite "soda" without any additives! " Check your daily life to find out where you can reduce your sugar intake. For example, remyle34 said, "I also stopped using flavored coffee creams with 35 calories and a ton of sugar per tablespoon. (I can't imagine how many calories I've consumed) in a few weeks, I'll be able to quit the habit of milk in my coffee. Now that's all I've used. "

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / kicsicsicsi

4. Make every minute meaningful

"one of the biggest myths about fitness is that you need to spend hours in the gym. "15 minutes or less of short, high-intensity exercise can be very effective in stimulating muscles, increasing metabolism and strength," said Jim Smith, founder of CSCs and diesel strength. Don't know where to start? " Select three composite exercises (for example, lift, pull up, and barbell military press) and repeat five to eight times. Move quickly between sports and have less rest. Repeat the cycle for 15 minutes, "he said. Believe me, it will feel longer. " Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / izf

5. Start a positive addiction

"all I do is find a sport that I like to do well enough to develop my addiction to it. Active addiction is a friend of fitness conscious people, "says annews9, a member of the community. Once you get up and start acting, you don't have to work hard to do it again and again - clean and repeat it every day! " The rule of thumb is that it takes about 21 days to develop a new habit, but what should your new health addiction be? Perhaps the effective way for beachgurlz is: "introducing a daily walk will clear my mind and allow me to comb through the day ahead." Your new hobby doesn't have to be difficult or even fitness oriented. For example, smiling and laughing often can increase your overall vision, and every giggle can improve your life. Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / aksonov

6. Drink more water

"every time you see a fountain, drink 10 mouthfuls. Most people are at least a little dehydrated, so this reminds you to drink more water. "Drinking 10 mouthfuls is like drinking 8 to 10 ounces of water," said Martin Rooney, founder and CEO of warrior training. Do it eight times a day, your water club is better. "

credit card: Chris Hughes / iStock / Michael voboda

7. Record your progress

"my best advice is to be responsible for what's in your mouth: use the thoughtful food tracker on Livestrong to record your nutrition and calorie intake. The scale is a very useful tool. "The first thing you do every morning after you finish your business is weigh yourself," said ejmm2, a member of the community, who advises people to record and analyze their average weekly loss, gain, or weight they keep. " "Anything is possible with the right mindset, focus and dedication," ejmm2 said. Dr. Carla Moore, an expert on weight loss and behavior change and co-founder of Moore's findings, suggests starting a healthy eating plan on Sunday. On Sunday, I spent two hours planning a week's meal, going to the grocery store, cutting vegetables, boiling eggs, and putting the appetizers together - salads that don't contain clenbuterol or spices. In this way, you always have healthy food around you, and the time saved every day is priceless. " Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / deniza

9. Cfinoz60, a member of the community, said: "people need to know that everyone has a different definition and implementation of success." Their bodies are different from their metabolism or sensitivity to food. Their health risks are different. Their goals are different. Their attitude is different. "While defining or even documenting your goals is the key to success, cfinoz60's wise words remind us that comparing your progress with others is not helpful." Cfinoz60 suggests that a person do research and then decide what is best for him / her. No one is wrong or right. Respect what your body loves

"when you eat the smallest and largest meal, follow your own preferences. Some people like a good breakfast, some like a good dinner. Either way. Don't worry about the X or Y results. "Your personal preferences should determine your choices," said Alan Aragon, a nutritionist and author of the Alan Aragon review of research. List your favorite foods in each group: meat, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates. Try to provide everyone with at least 10 kinds of food. Ignore what you hear everyone should eat and focus on what you like. Make this your shopping list. "

credit card: Chris Hughes / iStock / izf

11. Make yourself responsible

when making healthier choices, make sure that responsibility is an investment worth investing in. " I need a coach to let me go to the gym, let alone get the right direction. It's not cheap, but I think my health investment is worth it, "said cmocre, a member of Livestrong community. Tracking your calories and working with a nutritionist can provide the same sense of responsibility for a healthy diet. Even talking to friends about your goals and setting deadlines or reminders on your calendar can help you take responsibility for the lifestyle you want to change.

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / izf

12. "To manage tasks at home or in the office, if you work every 30 minutes, you can do more," says Jim Smith. Use a simple timer on your phone or computer to track the time you spend on a specific task. When you reach 30 minutes, stop and move on to the next thing. This approach forces you to be more productive because you have a very limited time to complete one task before the next one begins. "Although you may return to the same task several times a day, you will always make progress. Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / izf

13. Start small, build momentum after action, and make your first step simple. But follow this step and take a bigger step, "recommends Valerie waters, a celebrity fitness coach and inventor of vallade. The goal is to get the well-known snowball down the hill so that you can find motivation for your goals. For example: clean up the place where there is no food in the kitchen, supplement food with healthy food, and then cook a nutritious meal - a meal that will leave leftovers, so that you can eat more abundant food the next day. "I find that the earlier you move, the more things you can accomplish in a day," said community member liseage. There are many ways to set a positive tone for the day, from practicing mindfulness to feeling focused, or drinking a large glass of water to hydrating. "Listening to my favorite music, chatting with friends and eating protein really help me," Lisa said. An Ayurvedic practice called dinacharia is a daily self-care exercise designed to purify and restore your day's rest feeling, but you can come up with your own set of personalized rituals to start your day.

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / bluecinema

15. "Do a positive conditioning ritual every day, starting with positive things - read something that motivates you, listen to some exciting music, or download a fitness podcast," says Brad Pilon, author of eat stop eat. He believes the key is to consume something that will give you health and nutrition. Goal. " In this way, you can do your best without turning your prospects into accidents. "

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / bluecinema

16. Be responsible for your health. This includes what you know about nutrition and health, what you believe in, even your doctor, Al care, "said awonderwoman 2, a community member at This action project is to optimize your lifestyle and make you the best version of yourself. " "Eat as much food as possible close to your natural state, get plenty of rest and quality sleep, drink fresh water, move and enjoy your body," awonderwoman 2 suggests. Taking responsibility can also mean anything from ensuring that you have a physical examination and all recommended health checks every year (depending on your age and gender), to arranging treatment for health conditions you are aware of, such as physical treatment for injuries.

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / bluecinema

17. Enjoy your food

when you taste food, you are unlikely to overeat unconsciously, so try to eat in a place without distraction without a TV, newspaper, computer or telephone. " Alyse Levine M.S., RD, founder of nutrition bite LLC, said: "by simply eliminating the extra noise that often accompanies eating, you will automatically pay more attention to what you put in your mouth, so you are more likely to make better food choices or eat less." Although it may sound counterintuitive, her other secret is to eat what you eat. I really want the first one. " "A lot of times, people force themselves to eat all the healthy food on their plates before eating the more indulgent food they've been focusing on," she said. In the end, they ate more out of obligation, and finally left the meal, eating more than they really wanted. "

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / Yuri ﹤ arcurs

18. Let fitness become a journey

"too many people torture themselves with unnecessary restrictive diet and unrealistic exercise. "It's counterproductive," says certified dietitian Emma Leigh Synnott. "Instead, set goals, train hard, but don't sacrifice your sanity to achieve them. Try to see your pursuit of fitness as a journey to enjoy, not something to endure just to get to your destination. "

Credit: Chris Hughes / iStock / izf

19.Start juicing

"buy a juicer. Do what you want. "You'll be amazed at how many delicious and nutritious cocktails you can make," said Tara stiles, yoga coach and host of Yoga solutions. She suggests trying a combination of cabbage, apple and ginger for long-lasting, vibrant energy; carrots and ginger help improve your skin; spinach, cucumber and celery enhance your energy. Or, she said, "bring out some fresh pineapple juice to welcome people into your home happily."

credit card: Chris Hughes / iStock / martindoucet

20. Gratitude

"sometimes we need to stop to think and immerse ourselves in the wonderful world we have. "Even if you're stuck in a normal place, it's still unique, amazing and beautiful," said bockywil, a member of the community. It's amazing that we have beautiful food, drinks and so many friends. In short, life sometimes depends on how you think about it. " In fact, many studies have reinforced the idea that gratitude can greatly increase happiness, reduce stress, and lead to healthy habits. There are many ways that research supports you to be more grateful, from listing the positive things that happen to you every day to rebuilding your inner dialogue, to being more grateful and appreciative of yourself. What do you think of Chris Hughes / iStock / Leonardo Patrizi

for? Are you surprised by these suggestions? Have you tried any of them before, or will you continue to try them? Do you have any other suggestions for improving your life that are not listed here? Tell us.

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