
11 kinds of simple post exercise food and its scientific function

the recovery after exercise can be simplified as "3Rs" water supply, refueling and reconstruction. Water supplement can replace the water and electrolytes lost in sweat, while energy supplement focuses on carbohydrates. It can recover muscle glycogen and essential amino acids from high-quality protein, which is helpful to repair and rebuild muscle tissue and stimulate muscle growth. In general, 15 to 25 grams of protein and 0.5 to 0.7 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight after exercise. As the whole food contains antioxidants and other compounds, it can provide more recycling benefits. First of all, pay attention to the whole food, followed by supplements.

spa> Credit: spa> adbrowser / H3> 1. Finish: when the smoothies, drinks and milkshakes are restored, your first goal is to restore proper body fluid balance. Even moderate dehydration can reduce your highest performance and metabolic rate. Since about 75% of the water in your muscles (by weight) is made up of water, bringing it back to your body is your primary goal. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 16 to 24 ounces of fluid for every pound lost in exercise. If you don't weigh before and after exercise, use the urine color chart (link below) to determine your water content. What you drink is not as important as what you drink, so choose what you like: water, sports drinks, coconut water, smoothies or milkshakes.

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2. Chocolate milk

you may have seen the advertisement: professional triathlon athletes drink chocolate milk after exhausted training. The advertisement is: "what do you want to do?" In fact, several studies published in athletes have shown that low-fat chocolate milk promotes recovery, improves endurance performance, and may help improve lean weight. Chocolate milk provides electrolytes, leucine, casein and whey protein. The optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein is 4:1. The advantage: it tastes good and is cheaper than other recycled products. Try 16 ounces of chocolate milk after exercise. A 16 Ounce serving of low-fat (2%) chocolate milk contains 64 grams of carbohydrates, 16 grams of protein and 360 calories. If you're a vegetarian, you can substitute seasoning pea protein, brown rice protein or soy protein.

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Credit: Brent hoffalk

3. Fruit and yoghurt smoothies are great for recovery because they provide everything you need: liquids, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, using dairy products means that you can get whey protein and casein at the same time, which is a good combination. You can get "fast effect" and "slow effect" amino acids at the same time, which are the best choice for building and repairing muscle tissue. Fruits provide antioxidants that accelerate recovery and reduce delayed muscle soreness (DOMS). A small study in New Zealand found that drinking blueberry smoothie before and after exercise helped athletes recover their peak muscle strength faster than those who drank a placebo drink. Try this: in a blender, mix a cup of skim or regular milk, eight ounces of low-fat pure Greek yogurt, a cup of fresh or frozen berries, and a tablespoon of honey. Mix to the required consistency. If necessary, add ice.

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4. There's nothing like Mexican food to help you rebuild your broken muscles with chicken or pancakes and salsa. Whether you choose black beans or chicken pancakes, the combination of tortillas with proteins and carbohydrates in rice is a good fuel for muscle soreness. Skip sour cream, add antioxidants and healthy fats to avocados, and pile more antioxidants on tomato or corn salads. Plus, black beans - they're rich in protein, and they're all stars of antioxidation. In fact, one study found that black beans have twice the antioxidant capacity of fruits such as oranges, apples or cranberries.

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5. AVO egg salad sandwich is a good post exercise food, because each medium-sized egg provides 6 grams of protein, and the amino acids in the eggs are considered to be the most bioavailable, making them the gold standard for egg white matter selection. Have an egg salad sandwich with boiled eggs, vinegar, Dijon mustard and chopped leeks. For a healthier taste, instead of mayonnaise, try the avocado puree in the recipe below. You'll get all the mayonnaise, but with avocado antioxidants. Match the whole wheat bread with tomatoes and lettuce.

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6. Cottage cheese with fruit and cereal has the best protein to calorie ratio. Two percent of a cup of white cheese contains 200 calories and 27 grams of protein, no sugar. More importantly, white cheese is one of the most abundant sources of amino acid leucine, nearly 3 grams per cup. Leucine is the most important amino acid in muscle. However, insulin is essential for leucine to increase muscle protein synthesis, so it is necessary for carbohydrate and leucine to increase insulin level together. To get enough carbohydrates in white cheese, add a glass of fresh fruit (strawberries, pineapples or a quarter cup of whole wheat or granola). The goal is to refuel as soon as possible, said the co-author of the book "nutrition timing for best performance," milk and a glass of juice cereals

Andrea chernus, M.S., RD, CSSD. "After exercise, muscles absorb glucose and amino acids," she explained. "The enzymes that store these nutrients dissipate in time." it can be as simple as a bowl of cereal, plus a lot of milk, a cup of 100% juice, to supplement carbohydrates. In this case, you don't need to choose a low sugar, fiber rich whole grain cereal to eat immediately after exercise, because it's the one time you really benefit from a fast source of carbohydrate digestion. Instead, choose a sweet cereal and mix it with a healthier food.

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8. Dr. David Nieman, Professor of sports science at Appalachian State University, explained that fruits and vegetables are one of the best ways for athletes to promote recovery by simply eating or drinking them during and after exercise. Niemann published several studies that found that eating fruits and vegetables for endurance athletes was good for performance and recovery. " A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help reduce muscle soreness and muscle damage associated with endurance exercise, "Niemann said. Some foods that have been studied include bananas, berries, sour cherries, pomegranates and tea. Try this: chocolate cherry smoothie from Jennifer O'Donnell Giles, a usat certified Triathlon trainer who mixes frozen cherries, chocolate milk, chocolate whey protein powder, wheat germ, ground flaxseed and a banana in a blender. Whole wheat bread with banana and nut butter is one of the athletes' favorite fruits. Their digestible carbohydrates help replenish glycogen reserves in muscles, while increasing insulin, which helps transport amino acids to muscle tissue. Try: bake two slices of whole wheat bread, each with a teaspoon and a half of nut butter and a half of bananas. Partner with a glass of milk to get at least 20 grams of protein. Sometimes a plate of salty finger food is better than a sandwich. The combination of 10-12 whole wheat biscuits (i.e. gluten free, tri color, Kashi TLC, back to nature), 3-ounce cut turkey breast and 1-ounce low-fat cheese is the perfect combination to meet your carbohydrate and protein needs. In addition, choosing a high sodium count in these options will help your body replenish water and replace electrolytes. When enjoying salty food, be sure to drink a lot of water to help body fluids enter the blood from the gastrointestinal tract.

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11. Greek yoghurt with fruit and oats is filtered, so it contains about twice the protein and sugar of traditional yoghurt. For overall health, plain Greek yogurt is generally recommended to control the added sugar, but when you're trying to recover from exercise, it's time to enjoy a glass of sweetened Greek yogurt to get the simple carbs your muscles crave. A cup of pure Greek yogurt contains 130 calories and 23 grams of protein. Make a frozen cake out of a cup of Greek yogurt, a cup of fresh or frozen berries, a teaspoon or two of honey (or maple syrup) and a half cup of raw quick boiled oats. Both fruits and oats are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation associated with exhaustive exercise.

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are you sure you need a "recovery" meal?

if you exercise to build up your body and lose weight, make sure you really need a "recovery" meal before assuming you need exercise. Many people eat too much after exercise. In fact, more calories are consumed in the "recovery" meal after exercise than in exercise. If you don't exercise for more than 90 minutes, or if you're sweat soaked and intense, you may not need a real "recovery" meal or snack after you're done. Maybe you can enjoy a healthy snack, including fresh fruit or vegetables, hummus and drinking water.

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recovery options when you go out

many athletes find that they are on the road immediately after activities or training, so recovery nutrition means to get any available nutrition in fast food restaurants, coffee shops or oil stations. The good news is that no matter how limited your options are, you can always find something that will help the recovery. In fast food restaurants, the best choice is grilled chicken sandwich with small smoothie; in coffee shops, order a breakfast burrito with a large latte; in gas stations, try pretzels or biscuits with cheese or low-fat milk. When you have only road fuel, other options work: egg sandwiches, frozen yogurt cakes, low-fat chocolate milk and fruit smoothies.

correlation: 19 what do you think of fast and healthy convenience store snacks? Do you usually consume snacks after exercise? What do you usually like best? Are you surprised by the snacks after these sports? Is there anything to try? Do you know any other great post exercise snacks? Please leave a message below and let us know.

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