
28 eating secrets helps you lose weight (and save money!)

you can control your diet and lose weight by making small changes. The 28 suggestions we share with you are used by team members to achieve and maintain their target weight. Believe it or not, these small adjustments and adjustments to your lifestyle can save you a lot of calories and help you achieve your goals. Are you ready to start eating healthy? Here are 28 practical tips to help you lose weight or even save money.

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1. Don't "hide" fruits and vegetables in the fresh-keeping drawer at the bottom of the refrigerator. You may forget them when eating snacks. Always keep fresh fruit visible and ready-made - in a fruit bowl on the kitchen table, on your table, or cut and distribute containers in your fridge. For fruit, apple slices, orange slices and grapes can be divided into bags or small containers for easy carrying. Don't forget your vegetables! Cut red or green peppers into slices, or carrots and celery into sticks, and then divide them into containers in the refrigerator. In this way, when you are hungry, you are more likely to get a healthy snack.

related: 13 ways to make yourself full Always include protein

make sure you eat some protein at every meal - this is the most satisfying nutrient. If you eat oatmeal for breakfast, you must add some protein to make it more balanced and full. A spoonful of natural peanut butter or a spoonful of protein powder will do.

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3. Be prepared and plan ahead. When you are eating the right amount of healthy food, it is most important to prepare ahead. Deciding your weekly menu and shopping ahead of time will make you successful. Prepare the food and snacks for the week of Sunday, and then put them in the container of the refrigerator for everyone. You can boil six or seven eggs hard and put them in the refrigerator for breakfast or snacks. Or cook a large batch of steel cut oatmeal on Sunday (because the oatmeal contains the most nutrients), and then cut it into single parts in a plastic bowl in the refrigerator. You can heat it in the microwave for a minute before going to work every morning. You can also bake a pile of chicken breast, tofu or fish, and put them together with steamed asparagus, broccoli or green beans into containers for lunch, dinner and snacks.

correlation: 13 kinds of preparation methods to save time in the kitchen.

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4. Do you want to measure all the content when part of the control is in your hands? Just one hand is needed to make sure you eat the right amount. When planning or making any meal, divide one portion of palm sized meat, tofu or other protein; at least two handfuls of vegetables; no more than one handful of fruits; and one portion of thumb sized fat.

correlation: 13 ways to make yourself full. Know your Andy score

eat foods (fruits and vegetables) with high total nutrient density index (Andy) scores. The five most nutritious vegetables are kale, watercress, kale, cabbage and spinach. The five most nutritious fruits are strawberry, blackberry, plum, raspberry and blueberry. When you eat the most nutritious food, you are injecting the highest quality "fuel" into your body.

correlation: 11 nutrients Americans do not get enough credit:


6. Using an app or log to track your diet

recording your diet in a log or app (such as myplate on your computer or mobile phone) is the best way to understand what you eat. If you want to lose weight, it's also a useful tool to reduce calorie consumption.

related: Livestrong's free calorie myplate tracker app

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7. Eliminate temptation

check your fridge and pantry and collect all delicious snacks. If you open packages or containers, throw them away. It may seem wasteful, and it's painful to throw away the food you spend money on, but that doesn't mean you should keep it at home and let it really crush your body. Most cities have food storage rooms and food banks, which are willing to accept unopened canned food and some dry goods. Search the nearest pantry on the Internet for food you can donate. If you must keep the junk food nearby (perhaps for other family members), keep it out of sight (on the top shelf of the cupboard or pantry). If you can't see, you'll eat less.

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Credit: I want to check

8. "Hara Hachi bu" -- eat until 80% full

Japanese have a good expression for healthy eating habits: "Hara Hachi bu", which means "eat until 80% full". Try to eat the next meal until 80% full. Eat slowly, chew carefully, and make sure you eat and enjoy your food slowly for at least 20 minutes. Because it takes the brain 20 to 30 minutes to realize that you're full, eating like this can help you reduce your consumption.

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9. Ask yourself this question...

paste this information on the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet, so that you can see every time you open the door: "is it worth it?"

Credit: I check

10. Half an avocado a day... Eat half avocado every day. A recent study found that eating avocado every day is linked to high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol), lower body weight and smaller waistline.

related: 12 delicious new avocado recipe

trustworthy: I want to remember

11. Filling half your plate with vegetables and eating seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day can be challenging, but if you are sure that each snack and meal includes at least one or two servings, you can get there by the end of the day. Try filling at least half of the plates with vegetables at lunch and dinner. This will help reduce calories without starving you.

correlation: 11 Americans do not get enough nutrition. Add spices, salsa or chili to your food to speed up your metabolism and make you fasterTo feel satisfied.

correlation: 7 ways to add the health benefits of turmeric to the diet. If you're eating spaghetti, trade a cup of spaghetti for a cup of vegetables. This will increase the nutrition of your diet and help fill your calories. If you do this with every meal of spaghetti, you may lose the size of a skirt or pants in a year. You can also try cooking some spaghetti pumpkins with the same sauce instead of your spaghetti.

correlation: use these 9 "pasta pie" recipes to reduce calories. All the natural snack packages are healthy and satisfying snacks with half apple slices and peanut butter or almond butter. Consider this snack: dip 10 to 12 carrots in a tablespoon or two of peanut butter or almond butter.

correlation: healthy snacks with less than 200 calories

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15. Make a non dairy banana "ice cream" for dessert. Cut some brown bananas and put them in a bowl in the refrigerator covered with plastic film. After freezing (after about 12 hours), place it in a blender or food processor and stir until creamy. If after a few minutes of mixing, the mixture doesn't turn into cream, you can add a scoop of almond milk. After eating, you will have delicious ice cream. You won't believe it's just made of bananas. If you eat one, it's only 105 calories, less than half a gram of fat. Half a cup of real ice cream contains 145 calories and 8 grams of fat.

related: 8 delicious non baked desserts (including gluten free and vegetarian options!)

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16. Strawberry substitute

the dessert is to eat half a cup of strawberry instead of half a cup of strawberry ice cream. You will save yourself 118 calories and 7 grams of fat.

related: 8 delicious non baked desserts (including gluten free and vegetarian options!)

Credit: I check

17. When you plan to eat out of the restaurant, please check the online menu, check the menu online in advance, and make sure you have healthy food to choose from. When you decide to order a reasonable plate, make sure you don't let the waiter "persuade" you to add extra appetizers or desserts.

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18. Add some seasoning to your water and you can drink it all day. Squeeze lemon or lime into your water bottle, or try slicing cucumbers or even berries like some spas do.

correlation: 12 refreshing spa water

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19. If you are hungry between meals, try drinking a glass of water. Hunger may be disguised thirst.

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20. Put a small box of raw almonds in the car, on the table or in the bag. Eat 10 to 12 snacks to suppress your appetite. They will keep you full until the next meal.

related: 9 of the healthiest nuts (may help you live longer)

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21. Smaller plates = smaller waistline

eat lunch and dinner on smaller appetizers. Seeing a fuller plate can tempt your brain to think you eat more and feel fuller faster.

related: meet women who are changing their health. ABS is made in the kitchen. Have you heard the phrase? This is true when you see the AB definition. For six packs of food, diet is essential. You can't form bad eating habits.

related: 41 of the most difficult abdominal exercises if you want to lose weight, don't drink your calorie T, don't drink your calorie. Avoid juices, sugary sodas and alcoholic beverages. Instead, drink water and unsweetened tea (hot or cold).

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24. What do labels and fables have in common?

just because a box, bag or bottle says "organic", "gluten free", "whole wheat" or "natural" doesn't mean the contents are healthy. Please read the nutrition label carefully and pay special attention to the ingredients before purchasing.

correlation: 12 refreshing spa water

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25. Avoid an emotional diet - getting up for a walk, boredom, anger or stress can drive people to eat too much or less healthy food. If you feel any of these emotions, stop and ask yourself, "am I really hungry, or am I looking for an emotional solution?" Going out for a walk may help.

related: View Livestrong's free calorie tracking app

points: iStock

26. The bowl is better than the box. Don't eat directly from the bag or box: it actually ensures the unconscious overeating. Instead, measure whatever you eat - almonds, peanut butter, popcorn or other snacks - and put it in a bowl. There are 13 ways to make yourself full. When you are shopping in the grocery store, you should pay attention to 90% of the healthy food (such as fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy meat, protein, protein packed eggs and dairy products) on the periphery of the grocery store. Avoid drinking

alcoholic beverages contain a lot of calories. Drinking a little buzzer may weaken your determination to eat healthy. If you want to lose weight, eliminate alcohol from your diet, or limit your intake to two drinks a week. If you decide to keep alcohol in your diet, be sure to drink a glass of water between each drink. This slows down your drinking and keeps you hydrated.


the 13 worst alcoholic beverages will definitely damage your diet.

Credit: iStock

What do you think? Have you tried these techniques? How do they work for you? What's the secret of your diet? Do you have any weight loss tips to share or give advice to people who want to lose weight? Maybe it's a healthy recipe or food preparation technique? Please leave a comment below and let us know.

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