
12 training errors that destroy results

no matter you are a new gymnast or a real gymnastic mouse, you may have some bad exercise habits. When you don't get the fat loss or muscle gain you want, maybe it's time to reassess your approach. Use the checklist on the next slide to determine how the results might be broken. Also, see expert tips to help you get back on track.

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1. You learn by imitating others, don't know how to do an exercise correctly or how the machine works? Find a qualified coach to help you, not another trainer. " "Every day I see people making mistakes and doing wrong sports," said Joel Harper, a famous coach in New York City. Hire a top coach and invest in five sessions to make sure you're on the right track. It's worth every penny. It can help you exercise effectively and save your time. "The next best thing: find a DVD made by a qualified coach and practice in front of the mirror until you master the correct movements and postures.

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2. If you lift too fast, start an exercise program without warming up, or grow to a heavier weight too fast, you will get hurt. In order to do a thorough warm-up, be sure to pay attention to the muscles you need in the exercise process; for example, if you want to do chest compression, you only need to use barbells to warm up, Harper suggested: "only use barbells to do 100 repetitions, you can let your muscles get a deep warm-up." As you progress, to gain weight, remember the 2:2 rule: don't gain weight until you can repeat two or more times in two consecutive workouts. For example, if your goal is 12 repetitions and you easily get 15 repetitions in two workouts, you'll gain a few pounds more for larger muscles.

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3. It's an attractive exercise option for beginners to spend a few hours on aerobic exercise, skip weightlifting or walk on a treadmill or elliptical machine in order to lose weight, but just doing aerobic exercise for a few hours will limit your performance, says Michael "Vinny" varato, certified trainer and certification intensity in New York City And regulation Specialist (CSCs). " For sedentary people, aerobic exercise is a good, non frightening step, because sedentary people have not exercised for a long time; however, increasing resistance training in daily exercise can improve metabolism and burn calories 24 hours a day. Cardiopulmonary resistance training maximizes calorie burn.

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Credit: 4. Amy Goodson, a Certified Expert on the sports nutrition board and sports nutritionist of the Dallas Cowboys, said: 'after a hard exercise, the calories you eat will be over compensated. It's easy to prove that you have a reason to gobble up as much as you can, but it's easy to make all your efforts go down the drain.' "A lot of people quickly 'eat back' because they are hungry," she explained. Goodson recommends following two rules of thumb: first, eat a post exercise snack with carbohydrates and protein within 45 minutes of exercise. Chocolate milk or Greek yogurt with a spoonful of honey is good for the average exerciser. Or make a milkshake with whey protein or pea protein after exercise. Second, after the snack, continue to add fiber and lean protein meals to help you feel fuller longer.

correlation: 11 scientific contribution of snacks and their working principle after exercise: vuk8691 / iStock

5. Not only will fasting exercise not burn more fat as many people think it will, but it may also undermine your efforts by consuming energy, "Goodson said. Eating a pre exercise snack is actually about energizing your exercise. If your car is running out of gas, it won't go far. Here are some complex carbohydrate and protein choices: apples and cheese, a piece of wheat bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter, a whole wheat cereal and a handful of almonds or protein bars. If you train early in the morning, be sure to choose small snacks such as bananas, cereal, protein sticks or peanut butter crackers.

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6. You chew until the cows come home and spend hours "burning" belly fat, which is a great waste of energy. "Flat abs are primarily a result of two things," said Neal I. pire, Ma, CSCs, facsm, volt fitness, Glen rock, N.J., founder. "You need low abdominal fat and a conditioned core." Exercise your core includes strengthening your rectus abdominis (the anterior abdominal muscles that make up the "six pack"). The oblique muscles (which allow you to twist and rotate your torso) and your transverse abdomen (the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles). " Most importantly, cut your abdomen by balancing your calories and reducing your body fat, "says Pillay." you're well in the middle of your dream laundry board. "

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7. According to Pires, you don't spend more than twice as much time in the gym as you do socializing, and a good exercise doesn't need to be in the gym. " In addition, you don't improve in training; you will improve between workouts. You have to recuperate to maximize your training. Rest between the best nutrition and exercise - that's how you get results. "Keeping your weight and the number of workouts matches your goal, but usually you exercise 12 to 15 times at a time, no more than 2 to 3 times at a time, and then you experience diminishing returns," he said.

correlation: 16 sports etiquette rules people often break credit. You love your daily life so much that you can think about it without hesitationIt may be a comfortable way to do it. You can go into the same daily life and do all kinds of actions without careful consideration, but according to Pires, if you don't change your exercise, your body will reach a stable state and minimize the results. " If you have achieved good results through the same exercises over a long period of time, that's great! " Pillay said. Keep (some of us call it) your "mother's movement," usually a combination of squats, lifts or bench presses, and change the way you exercise extra or supportive. "For example, to do every exercise, you have to squat down, but one day you have to do lunges, the next day you have to do strides, and Romanians have to raise the next and the next physical plyometric movement, that is, the next exercise." You should also change the weight and rhythm of the exercise to get extra training stimulation, "Pires said.

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9. "Every time you exercise, you feel pain, and it's not a necessary measure of success," vallato said. Unfortunately, even some coaches measure the effectiveness of prescribed training based on the patient's pain over the next few days, but it's an uneducated exercise prescription, "he said. Delayed muscle pain is caused by tiny tears in the affected muscle fibers. This can produce DOMS within 24 to 48 hours after exercise, which is usually the case if you are a new exerciser or if you increase the intensity of your regular exercise.

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10. It's good for you to count calories burned by reading from an aerobic exercise machine.

exercise for an hour and see that the elliptical monitor records 500 calories burned, but this may be misleading. " "Cardio machines usually base their calorie consumption on 200 pounds of people," vallato said. So a 150 pound woman may think she burns more calories than she actually does, and a 250 pound man will burn more calories, which will be shown on the device. An accurate assessment requires a fitness specialist and appropriate testing equipment, he said. Depending on your height, weight, age and gender, use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap to get more accurate readings.

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11. You use celebrity bodies for inspiration

if you gather photos of Halle Berry, David Beckham and other celebrities in the gym to motivate you, you're ready for failure. " "Celebrities can get time that ordinary employees or parents don't have," explains vallato. In addition, they have 10 hours or more full supervision training every week, and they also have resources such as surgeons, makeup artists, spray body experts and photo editors, and Americans do not have time or money to get these resources every day.

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12. According to Harper, you want immediate results, and real results don't happen overnight. " "There's no such thing as a quick decision in the world," Harper said. "You should run away from anyone who assures you." The only way to do this is to be consistent and exercise appropriately based on your size and specific goals. "Before you see the actual results, your nervous system must first adapt to this new stimulus through a process called" neural adaptation, "which takes several weeks. You'll get stronger during this time, but the actual difference in muscle size won't appear until the process is complete.

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