
Use these five simple recipes to control your summer meal

Does the word

potluck remind people of the heavy, stomach upsetting plates piled with Tupperware? Ali Lawson, host of the show dinner with ALI and bring it! Try and real recipes for light meals and leisure entertainment, "is about to fundamentally change your view of light meals. How does she share dishes? Modern, healthy dishes, so good, it guarantees that you will become a party topic. Here, Rosen shows off her clever alternatives, in addition to the usual cream salad, plus ribs with rich watermelon sauce, you'll want to put them on everything you make. The contribution of

Noah fecks

1. "Sometimes an occasion needs to be bright," Rosen wrote. Turmeric is praised for its so-called healthy properties, but I like its subtle and lovely bitterness. It brings balance to lime and adds beautiful colors. This simple salad stands out visually and tastefully. "

how to match: "if necessary, mix all other ingredients and condiments at least one day in advance, but keep the sesame until the last minute before eating."

complete recipe and nutrition information: broccoli salad with lime and turmeric

points: noaffix

2. Faroese with charred vegetables

"rich cereal dishes do not need to be filled with cereal with a heavy hand. Sometimes, the extra ingredients can have the same weight as the grain itself, "Rosen explained. This dish works because it breaks down vegetables into the same amount of Faroese. " How to match them:

"any season is a handy delicacy, which should be prepared in advance, followed by hot or cold compress."

full recipe and nutrition information:

charred Farrow vegetables

Credit: Noah manure

3. Roasted watermelon spareribs

"Floyd cardoz, one of my favorite chefs, made a dish with watermelon as fish sauce. The whole concept makes me happy: a little bit of sweetness is balanced and added to the taste, "Rosen explained. I always like watermelon with barbecue, so this fish dish inspired me to turn this concept around with pork. It's unexpected, but the effect is so perfect that you wonder why you didn't make watermelon sauce before. " How to carry them:

"they are easy to eat at low temperature or room temperature. You can do it a day or two in advance. Just put them in foil until you're ready to serve. The most important thing is not to take them off the foil: you never want to lose the sauce, so in any case, try to keep it in until you're ready to eat. "

complete recipe and nutrition information: roasted watermelon ribs

Credit: Noah's Becks

4. "There's a restaurant in Charleston where I grew up, where I used to make such a dish, and every time someone came to visit me, I forced them to order it," Rosen said. When people say they hate okra, this is my trump card: it changes their mind every time. I designed my own version, still with the same purpose. One of the big changes I've made is that I didn't cook okra with sauce, but I cooked them separately, so the texture of okra is better. Baking okra can make it caramel as much as it needs, without any paste.

how to cook it: "this dish is best hot, but since okra and sauce are very tolerant, it's easy to reheat. Put it back on the stove, in the oven, even in the microwave for a few minutes to reach the temperature. "

complete recipe and nutrition information: Okra in tomato sauce

Credit: Noah's kicks

5. Orange, parsley and Walnut Salad

"parsley is one of the most reliable ingredients in a dish, but how about keeping it in the center?" Asked Rosen. This salad can be the perfect light start for heavier dishes offered in cold months, such as shepherd pie or roasted chicken casserole, bringing a popular winter meal. A strong and sweet ingredient like orange is the perfect partner for parsley and endive. " How to take it with you:

make this salad a day in advance and put it in the refrigerator. Just stir before serving and put on your clothes.

complete recipe and nutrition information: Orange, parsley and Walnut Salad

credit card: Noah fix

What do you think? What's your favorite healthy dinner party? Please let us know in the comments below!

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