
17 famous sayings make life better

pinterest citations are very popular - and for good reason. You can find and save all the quotes that inspire you. We have collected some of our favorite quotes to help you achieve your goals. Whether your goal is to keep fit, eat healthier, be more friendly to people, or travel more, here are 17 guaranteed quotes to help you start the day.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

1. The secret of leading is to start. Mark Twain is right: you can't finish your first half of the marathon or lose the last five pounds unless you start jumping. Because as another famous saying of Laozi says, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", which step can you take to get closer to your goal? Maybe it's reducing processed foods and sugary sodas. Maybe this is your new running shoe for their first run. No matter what your ultimate goal is, the first step is not necessarily a huge goal; it just needs to take a step in the right direction.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

2. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. It is human nature to want comfort. We curled up in front of the TV and watched nextflix sweaty because it was comfortable. While comfort itself is not wrong, your attachment to comfort may prevent you from taking epic adventures. So let Neil Donald Walsh inspire you with inspirational quotes. You always want to travel, but are you born to be a family person? Force yourself to go somewhere nearby for a short trip with friends you've been to before. Feel lonely but hate to talk to strangers? Try to talk to the local Barista. You may be surprised at the results. Now listen to

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Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

3. Success is the best revenge. Vengeance is poisonous. You can only poison your own mental health. But if you accept the negative experiences of life - all betrayal, dishonesty, unintentional contempt - and use them to drive you to success, it's a lot of energy. So don't listen to people saying that you can't achieve your dream, but leave behind those who are trying to actively undermine your success. Because once you succeed, everyone will be amazed and wonder how you did it. Without enthusiasm, there is no great achievement. When Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote these famous words, he probably didn't expect that he would inspire hundreds of thousands of pins and instagrams, but after more than a century, these words must sound true. Ask yourself: what is your greatest achievement? Can you do it without passion? Because the truth is, there are always obstacles and setbacks on the way to success. If you don't have real passion for what you do, it will be very easy to give up your goal. Even if your goal itself doesn't inspire your enthusiasm (for example, getting junk food out of your diet), find an area you're passionate about (for example, having more energy).

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

5. Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself. Of course, friendly competition is a huge driving force. But sometimes it's bad for you when the "friendly" part retreats to the "competitive" part. When it comes to your health and happiness, your biggest competitor is you yesterday (or last month or last year). Challenge yourself to run faster, lift more, lose weight, get better, just better than before. One of the best ways to measure your progress is to look at the pictures. Look back at the pictures a year ago. Are you happy now? More confident? Healthier? If not, use it as a benchmark for your current goal and try to find (and transcend) your past self.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

6. The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea. Is it difficult to live in the office? Sweat in Taekwondo class. Relationship issues? It doesn't matter if you shout it out. Writer Isaac dinerson knows! Although salt water itself has the characteristics of sterilization and anti-inflammatory, in these cases, its magic lies elsewhere. There is an catharsis (emotional release) accompanied by a good, heavy cry. It helps you release depressed sadness and depression. It's also comforting to hear the waves lapping on the beach and feel the water rushing through your feet and ankles, letting your stress disappear with the tide. If you've ever exercised yourself 100% in an exercise, you know that you're completely exhausted, but mentally successful.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

7. You're still putting everyone on the couch. Don't be discouraged, because you are not as fast as you think! Everyone has to start somewhere, there will always be better, faster, stronger people than you. But the good news: there are people who are not as strong or as fast as you. It's not much for them, but it's an honor for you! So when you bump on the sidewalk outside and think your 10 minute mileage is not good enough, remember: you can sit on the sofa and do nothing. But instead, tie your shoes and run. Pat yourself on the back.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

8. Life is either a bold adventure or nothing. Don't use Helen Keller's words to mean that if you don't see all the wonders in the world, you don't have a good life. Every life is a great adventure, no matter how many times you travel. Of course, travel is one of the best and more obvious ways to experience a great adventure, but there are other ways. Raising a child is a great adventure (every parent will prove it); building a company from scratch is a great adventure; following your passion for art is a great adventure. So what's your great adventure like? It doesn't have to look "great" in the world. It's important that it's good for you.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

9. Compared with our hearts, these are insignificant things. According to RallIt has nothing to do with your past and future, says F. Waldo Emerson. It's about proving what you are made of. As Gatorade asked a few years ago, "did you do it?" Have you been driving? Do you have anything to achieve your goal? The answer should be a loud "yes!" Because the first step to accomplish anything starts with believing in yourself. You have everything you need to make your dreams a reality (of course, considering that those dreams are within the range of material possibilities). So keep trying. Because you can dig deeper and do what you want.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

10. Anything that doesn't knock you down makes you stronger.

Kylie Clarkson's chant may get you through the next killer training. So when you're rocking in a Barre class, exhausted in a cross gym, or exhausted in a long week's run, you feel like you can't do it, remember: it can be hard, but you'll get stronger. Conquering a tough interval means your next steady run will feel easier. Sticking to your best in strength training means you can lift more. No matter what you write, your body will keep an accurate diary.

just because you don't write the three pizzas you eat for lunch on your food diary doesn't mean that calories don't count. (but wouldn't it be nice to do that?!) So, this is your friendly reminder that cheating on your food diary is just cheating on yourself to understand your eating patterns and how to improve them. This is especially important if you want to lose weight. The more honest you are with yourself about what you eat and how much you eat, the easier it is to find places to cut costs (like a pizza instead of three).

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

12. No, work for it! Imagine that your perfect life will certainly help you consolidate what you want. But if you just want it, you may find that you already want your life. So once you know what you want, do it! Want a promotion? Start accepting new projects. Want to slim? Time for squats and lunges. Want a more organized home? One room at a time. You won't get there overnight, but you'll be much faster than just hoping to change. Just make sure you like the process.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

13. If we wait until we are ready, we will wait forever. Start dieting tomorrow, right? But according to lemon ticket, why wait for a new day (or a week or a year) or anything? You can start now! Perfect conditions may never come. Besides, who can say what is perfect? " "Perfect conditions" are just excuses we use to delay change. Even if you already think your plan for today is "screwed up," don't say "throw the baby out with the bath water." You can start making small changes to achieve your goals.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

14. Motivation is what you start with. Habit is what keeps you going. We are very concerned about motivation. ("I don't feel motivated," "I need more motivation," etc.) but according to Jim Ryan, when you develop a habit, things become easier to happen. Think of motivation as a match to light a fire, and habit as a fire to keep it burning. Although the traditional view points out that it takes at least 21 days to create a new habit, only a simple habit is so (Wow, Shh!) So when four days of exercise a week doesn't automatically become a habit after three weeks, stick with it! Sooner or later, it will become a habit.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

15. Exercise is because you love your body, not because you hate it. If you find yourself dragging yourself into the gym day after day to lose those "ugly weights," maybe it's time to take a look at your point of view. Why do you work out? Just to make the nude look better? Although six ABS and skinny legs are a perfectly acceptable goal, try to start with a little bit of self love. Your body can do amazing things! Think about how your legs help you finish the run, or how your arms do push ups after PU. Your body is a machine. Exercise is a way to show yourself how efficient and strong it is. In addition, besides being good-looking, exercise has many advantages. It can enhance your mood, strengthen your body from harm, and help you live a long and healthy life.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

16. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

Fred DeVito is not afraid of a little challenge. When you exercise, if you don't put a little pressure on yourself, you won't get the results you want. Of course, when your exercise becomes a little bit difficult, it's easy to relax, stick to a few months of regular training, or want to give up. But strong, smooth bodies are made in tough times. Your muscles need more and more stimulation to change. It also applies to the rest of life. Things that challenge you and change you in life. You can decide whether they will make you better.

Credit: Gracie Wilson /

17. The river passes through the rock not because of its strength but because of its persistence. It is true that Jim Watkins has a poetic way of speaking. In other words, consistency is the key! Most things worth having take time to earn money. Although this is a pill that is hard to swallow in our society of instant gratification, it actually makes the return more sweet. When you see what you've achieved, and know that it took weeks, months, or years to get there, you may just look at yourself as thousands of people look at the Colorado River as it winds through the Grand Canyon. This is an irreplaceable feeling!

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

What do you think? Are you at pinterest? Did you find some of your favorite quotations there? Are there any other maxims that inspire you to lead the best life? What do you think of those listed here? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below!

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