
8 temporary toys not to be brought into the bedroom

the idea of a bedroom is that it doesn't always stay there. Sometimes a kink between sheets can cause injury, injury, or, worst of all, an emergency room (let alone embarrassment). From the first reason you shouldn't use a light bulb as a sex toy (yes, a light bulb), to the most unusual thing an emergency doctor can extract from a patient, here are eight household items that should be kept. Remember: just because it can become sexual doesn't mean it should be sexual.

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1. Pumpkins (and other agricultural products)

bananas, cucumbers and eggplant may be the most notorious agricultural products related to embarrassing accidents, but Andrew Youssouf, MD, an emergency room doctor at Riverview medical center in New Jersey, once had to remove Pumpkins from patients. " "While using biodegradable things seems to make sense, it's just a bad idea," Dr. Youssouf pointed out. Over time, it will degrade and decay in your body, and become a breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, using soft substances (especially food) to penetrate is not easy to remove, because soft substances will decompose and complicate things. It's no coincidence that most sex toys are made of silicone.

next step: this creative plastic packaging is not encouraged.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ bethanyellis28

2. Plastic bags and saran bags

a word for the wise: when you don't have a condom on hand, don't improvise to make a temporary condom with a zipper bag or plastic bag. " "Not only do plastic bags or bags tear or shift during sex, but they're too porous to prevent pregnancy or STDs," says Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist and author of your V's complete a to Z, "at the hottest moment, you may be tempted to reach for what's floating in your storeroom, but it's not worth it.

next step: this popular summer dish may only be placed in sunny places.

Credit: Andrea colorieri / eyeem / eyeem / gettyimages


do not put mustard. Donica Moore, M.D., a gynaecologist and chair of sapphire women's health, had to extract a frankfurter sausage from a patient's vagina. " "I don't know if she later became infected," Dr. Moore revealed, saying it wasn't the only time she had ever extracted something interesting from a woman. Other times, when women get infected or injured by inserting unusual objects, they usually say they're not sure how it happened. "Dr Moore advises women to tell their gynaecologists the whole truth, but if they are embarrassed to reveal all the dirty details, they should still go to see a doctor. In addition, if you want to insert an object - any object - into the orifice, Dr Moore suggests that you scrub it well first. " My best advice is to remember to thoroughly clean anything you use before and after sex games, and only use items designed for that purpose. "

next step: a word: ouch! Credit: Twenty20 / @ daphnemarie

4. Light bulb

even if the glass is inserted into the vagina, it is easy to break, which seems to be a recipe for disaster, but it is not unheard of. " "I took some brave women to the operating room to mend the wound," Dr. Dweck said. Using glass is not a good idea - the vagina is a place with blood vessels. " Considering how delicate the light bulb (and the vagina) is, it's not a feat to get rid of one. Just pulling is not necessarily enough, because the bulb is likely to break, so you may need a bladder catheter to blow air into the vagina, or you may need a perineum incision.

next: this temporary lubricant may not be a good idea.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ tanrr

5. For women with dry vaginas, personal lubricant is a good choice. But when you want things to go smoothly, you'd better stick to the real thing, because in the long run, the random products under the bathroom washbasin, such as lotion, body oil and vaseline, are not worth it. The use of temporary lubricants usually results in irritation, discomfort or infection. Most importantly, it can damage the integrity of the condom. " "The primary reason for not using Vaseline as a personal lubricant is that Vaseline breaks down the latex of polyurethane condoms," Dr Moore said. In addition, you increase the risk of vaginal infections, including yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis, not to mention soiling your sheets! " Some women think that using more organic home-made lubricants (such as coconut oil) is a better choice, but keep in mind that, in addition to increasing the chance of bacterial vaginosis, there are limited data on the safety of using household products such as lubricants.

next step: that's all.

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6. Wooden spoon

they are very long and smooth and can never be sterilized. So, yes, the wooden spoon should be safely placed in the kitchen drawer next to the salad tongs. " Wood is a porous material, which means it can't be disinfected, so it allows infection, "Dr. Dweck said. Also, think of vaginal fragments - ouch! " If you want to add something big and responsible to your bedroom repertoire, the best way is to leave it to an expert. " In general, I don't object to people being happy with what's actually given them. But keep in mind that the sex toy industry basically meets everyone's needs, using medical grade silica gel and a smooth surface, "said Dr Moore. So why take unnecessary risks and get hurt from things that are not designed to be put in your body? "

next step: this children's toy should remain the same. Points: tweenty20 / @ micros77

7. What people do with Barbie is their own business, but if you're going to post a part of your lady (or gentleman), know that it's probably not going to stay in your business. Dr. Yusuf took everything from glass eyes to cell phones to lottery tickets, and he had to take it out of the patient's vagina.Barbie - unfortunately, it didn't go well. " "Barbie's head is inserted first, and when I retract it, its arms are pushed to both sides, so it's impossible to move," he said. Unfortunately, patients have to go to the operating room, "if you're going to insert something into a hole that's not a designated sex toy, Dr. Youssouf recommends avoiding anything with appendages that can move and get stuck easily.

next step: avoid using this sporting goods at all costs.

Credit: Riccardo Botta / eyeem / eyeem / gettyimages

8. Believe it or not, the most unusual thing Dr. Yusuf took out of an ER patient is not a Barbie Doll - he once took a tennis ball out of someone's anus. " The patient complained of severe pain in the lower abdomen, so I had a rectal examination. Unfortunately, the ball moved too far out of my range - he didn't give me any information, "Dr. yusoff said. Since he was a teenager, I have had an X-ray instead of a CT scan, but the problem is that tennis balls are radioactive and can't be seen in an X-ray. "In the end, Dr. Yusuf was able to find, er, the truth of the matter - but he advised against bringing the ball into the bedroom." "It's better not to put anything on it," he said. Once you lose control, it can get sucked in, it's hard to control, and it may need to go to the operating room. "

Credit: Twenty20 / @ gigibunny

What do you think? Did you turn household products into sex toys? What's the craziest story you've ever heard about homemade sex toys? Have you ever had "sexual harm"? Which one of these things surprises you the most? Please let us know in the comment area!

Credit: Twenty20 / @ friend