
What does your sex sound like about you

what we say and do reveals who we are - and our bedroom behavior is no exception. What you do between sheets is more about your personality than you think. Here's what experts think about the sounds you make when you have sex with your partner and what kind of person they might reveal about you. See if you agree!

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guttural gunshot

when you hear it, you know it - guttural, intermittent moaning, short and loud voice, sometimes surprising. " "The groans of machine guns may be accompanied by the 'jackrabbit' plug-in," said Kenna cook, a sexual health educator at This kind of person wants to maintain his dominant position by making himself bigger, louder and stronger. "Good to know."

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high pitched screams are a little softer than most. " They can be really itchy, so touching their sexy areas can make them giggle. They are also emotionally sensitive - most likely those who cried in the first 10 minutes of "getting up." "If you or your partner are a screamer or someone who laughs easily, realize that sex doesn't need to be that serious. If giggling is really annoying or distracting, try to slow it down - with more powerful touch and pressure to avoid tickling. Listen now: why is America's obsession with "happiness" making us nervous?

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breathes heavily? What's exciting is that people who breathe frequently may be due to sexual drought or want to breathe more frequently than now. If you or your partner are panting like a dog, rest assured that you're doing well, even if you don't think you're doing well at all. "This man really, really likes it," Cook said. They have an out of body experience and forget how to breathe. No matter what you are doing, it will upset them, so stick to it! " "

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third person play while playing

" this person may have read a lot of pornography - you may find a copy of '50 shades of gray' on their nightstand, "Cook said. Want to describe in detail what happened to your body and how it made them feel stimulated by the brain, which is the largest sex organ. " Although initially speaking in a third person can be unpleasant, it can be too much fun if you or your partner likes to comment on the action. Who knows? You just need to help the other person relax your depression.

read a little more : the 6 worst foods and 5 best foods before sex open the door and release your Wilder heart. Rori Sasson, a matchmaker and relationship expert, said that those who complain are usually those who like to put all the ducks in a row outside the bedroom, which makes their intimate voice even more surprising. " "This person is A-type and ultimately has enough freedom to engage in action," she explained. It's the only time he (she) doesn't care what his neighbors think. "Credit:

baby talk

this sexual sound may be a bit unexpected, but it's really a way to use role switching in the bedroom," Sasson explained. "This person is usually a control freak," she said. They like to be a mother or father, and they can control others. "So, in the bedroom, it can be said that sometimes it's fun to flip the script and want to be controlled. Sounds familiar? If you are a talkative person, express your wishes with your partner or give your partner what he or she wants. Read more: every woman should do 15 exercises to improve her sex life. Sometimes a dirty person, Sassoon said, "wants to start a business, doesn't care how, when or why, just has a safe word." But a dirty mouth can mean something else. According to contemporary pornographic writer cardyn Brooks, those who swear are usually those who are very polite in the daytime, but turn when they go to bed. " "These dignified people are sitting with their mouths closed and their legs crossed on their ankles," she said. But in private, they will use a series of dazzling combination orders, say a lot of the most blasphemous four letters, praise and inspire their lovers to act. "

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stifling whispers

according to sunny Rodgers, a clinical sexologist and certified coach, almost inaudible voices are usually from introverts who try to restrain their loved ones. Real feelings, even when you're having sex. " "Their quiet murmurs quietly disappeared at the hottest moment," she explained. When you hear those stifling whispers, you know you're having sex: pornographer Katyn Brooks says every man should do 13 exercises to improve his sex life. For those who are reticent, "innovative improvisation will shape their tunnel vision on the bed, against the wall, on the table, in the basket of a hot-air balloon, wherever the passion bursts out, and at any time," she explains. Why waste their words when their actions show their intention? " Strategic and focused, those who choose to remain silent in their sexual lives are usually most focused on their and partner's happiness. Me! What do you think of it? Do you agree with these noises? What's the strangest sound your partner makes? Are these noises a deal breaker for you? Please let us know in the comments!

read more : when you stop having sex, 12 bad things happen to your health.

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