
How to start Yoga

Not long ago, yoga was a relatively unknown activity, mainly practiced by people in the new era and their parents for hippies. But times have changed, and now everyone seems to be doing yoga: your sister, your nephew, your grandmother - even football players and prison inmates. There are good reasons for that. From the improvement of physique to the pleasure of mood, the benefits of yoga are too much to be ignored. What are you waiting for? Read through the slides below to learn how to benefit from regular yoga practice.

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Yoga Benefits

first of all, why start yoga practice? First of all, regular yoga practice is a good way to improve your overall health and happiness. Natalie Nevins, an orthopedic doctor, explained that yoga can reduce chronic pain of arthritis and headache, help relieve insomnia, increase flexibility and muscle strength, help lose weight, improve exercise performance, prevent injury, regulate metabolism and improve heart health. A study presented at the 2013 meeting of the American Society of hypertension found that practicing yoga reduced resting blood pressure in a group of adults with mild to moderate hypertension. Another study, published in the April 2014 issue of the Journal of alternative and complementary medicine, also confirmed the impact of pre hypertension in school-age children. Therefore, whether you go to class alone or let your baby get benefits,

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yoga is for everyone

> I can't do yoga, because I'm not flexible enough. "It's a common complaint Lauren McKee, a yoga teacher, hears from freshmen. But it's also wrong. " That's why you come to yoga. Most of us are born inflexible, or naturally able to maintain balance in our hands, but with time and patience, it's like anything else, you can develop flexibility as you can develop strength. Yoga teacher Cara MacLean says it's easy for beginners to get frustrated because of the images they see in models in popular culture. Challenging posture. But, she said, yoga is for everyone. " Whether you're flexible or not, just take yoga classes and stick with it, "she said. If you allow it, you will see progress immediately. "Don't focus on all the physical ways that you don't think are up to standard, let yourself go and get the mental and emotional benefits of your practice.

related: 5 yoga postures to fix the hips try a vigorous course, such as strength yoga or bicram yoga. Finding a yoga style that attracts you and helps you achieve your goals is the key to ensuring that you stick to your plan. If you're athletic, or if you're interested in losing weight, then more energetic yoga may appeal to you. " Power yoga is a kind of yoga, you can expect it will be very energetic. "You move, you sweat," said Lauren Mackey, a yoga teacher in Seattle. It sometimes practices in a heated room, which adds to the challenge. Bikram yoga, which incorporates the same 26 postures into each practice, is also practiced in a heated room. Although it's challenging, Mackey says it's good for beginners because the pose is easy to learn and repeats in every class. Just make sure you stay hydrated in the first class and don't overdo it.

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if you want to find someone with less energy, you can use Ashtanga Yoga or Kundalini Yoga

. Challenge - yoga experience, you can choose the traditional style from India to the West. Ashtanga Yoga is a series of progressive postures. The connection between breathing and exercise - Dionysus - is crucial in this exercise. As the movement progresses, this exercise will increase your heart rate and make you sweat. Another traditional style, kundalini, is also known as "awareness yoga". According to the kundalini Institute, this ancient yoga strives to "awaken everyone's full awareness potential" through a combination of meditation, incantations, body postures and breathing techniques. Each class includes crias, which is the practice and movement mode to achieve certain effect, depending on different courses.

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maturing yourself with meditation or restorative courses

if you want to relax or get hurt through yoga, meditation or restorative yoga may be for you. In Yin Yoga, the practitioner holds the pose for a long time - usually 3 to 5 minutes. Yin's yoga teacher, Paul Greeley, said the pose is mostly passive, with the aim of stretching the connective tissue around the joint to make it longer and stronger. For peace of mind and body, restorative yoga is another good choice. This type of class uses props and long passive postures to help the body fully relax and open up. According to Dr. Judith Hanson Lasater, a teacher of restorative yoga, restorative yoga can help relieve chronic stress, stimulate and soothe organs, and balance opposing energies in the body.

correlation: 10 Yoga actions can eliminate stress before going to bed and relax yourself. What's hot yoga? Some people like heat, which also applies to their yoga practice. Bikram, hot wine, power yoga and hot hada are just a few lessons you might see on your studio schedule. Some of the benefits of practicing in a hot room include lubricating joints and muscles and detoxifying the body by producing excess sweat, but none of these claims are scientifically proven. In the end, whether you choose hot yoga or not depends on your preference. " If you know you just don't like heat, I would say stay away from hot yoga classes, "said Lauren McKee, a yoga teacher. If you really go to class, pay attention to your body's signals. If you feel dizzy or dizzy, please drink more water and stop resting.

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find a place to practice

yoga can be practiced almost anywhere - in the studio, in the living room, in the office, in a park or anywhere you feel you can move and breathe without being interrupted for a while. However, bigMost people still choose to take group classes in the studio or gym. Having a teacher to guide you, especially when you are a beginner, can help you learn posture faster and easier, and avoid injury at the same time. But the cost can be prohibitive at times. Kara McLean, a yoga teacher in the bay area, said it was entirely feasible for freshmen to practice at home and use various resources on the Internet. Some online subscription services provide virtual courses taught by certified teachers, with reasonable monthly fees.

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select studio

because most studios offer monthly fees or course packages, it is usually more cost-effective to attend a studio. There are several things to consider when choosing a studio. First, consider the location: if the studio is not nearby, you are unlikely to go to classes regularly. Second, look at the curriculum. Does the studio offer a yoga style that interests you? Class time is another important factor. Do you want the class time to meet your schedule? " I suggest beginners find a studio with a series of beginners. Not all studios offer these courses, so call ahead or visit the website of the studio you choose.

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practice at home

if you don't have regular yoga studio attendance in your budget, that doesn't mean you can't start practicing yoga now. Identify a space in your house (whether it's the whole room or a corner of the room) where you can practice without touching furniture or walls. Close the door or let your family avoid your yoga space when you practice yoga. If you are using online courses, install a laptop or connect your TV to the Internet. Stick to your practice and worry about other things after your training, such as what you're going to do for dinner.

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to prepare for success, starting yoga practice is an investment, but it can be less or more than you want. Put on light and comfortable clothes so that you can move freely. Kara McLean, a yoga teacher, said that yoga mats provide a cushion and grip for your hands and feet on a hard floor, which is particularly helpful for beginners. Cushions, blocks and shoulder straps are other useful props, usually provided by the studio, but you can also buy them for your family practice. In challenging and restorative postures, supports provide additional support and relieve stress on the limbs. Blocks and straps can make certain poses easier for less flexible practitioners, helping them achieve the correct shape of the pose without prior preparation. If you practice at home, you need to buy these things or be creative. You can use pillows as cushions, thick hardcover books as cushions, or towels as belts. "


the best yoga mat

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the experience of training the beginner's way of thinking is daunting, embarrassing and humble." "In a beginner's mind, there are many possibilities, but in an expert's mind, the possibilities are very small," Suzuki Shunliang wrote in "Zen Mind, beginner's mind." to have a beginner's mind, you must cultivate an open mind, lack of preconceptions and desire to learn - whether you are just starting yoga or have practiced for several years. Make yourself aware of the discomfort of your first class or the challenging posture you feel, then let it pass and resume your breathing. Lauren Mackey, a yoga teacher, advises against comparing yourself to the rest of the room. " Realize that everyone is new at a certain point. Give yourself some time to do it. "

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you now have the information you need to start yoga practice, which will enhance your health and well-being and enrich your life. Your life. When you have the first class, Lauren Mackey, a yoga teacher, suggests you come early and talk to your teacher. " Most teachers want to grow up as a student, so if they are a good teacher, they should be able to give you some useful tips before you go deep into study. "Most importantly, pay attention to your enjoyment of moving on the mat and all the ways it improves your life on the mat.

related: sign up for free weekly health and fitness newsletter

points: ulanda Cano / demand media What do you think? Are you ready to take risks and start yoga practice? What are your fears, concerns, and goals? How are you going to start? Have you practiced for a while? Do you have any suggestions for people who have just started work? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts with the Livestrong community.

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