
Matters needing attention in foam rolling

foam rolling is becoming more and more popular in improving flexibility, preventing injury, improving performance and helping you recover after exercise. But before you commit, there are a few things you need to know to get the most out of it without hurting yourself. Foam rolling (a self releasing myofascial release) is a stretching technique for treating muscle stiffness and pain. It improves the sliding of the body's structure, including skin, fat and muscle fascia, and affects your nervous system. Whether you use foam roller, massage ball or any other product to manage your pain, here are all the information you need to know about myofascial release (SMR).

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1. No: there is a "no pain, no gain" mentality.

if your bubble rolling is very painful, you can't breathe, your whole body is stiff, and you miss the point. It's also how you trigger your body's "fight or run" response, which is the opposite of what you're trying to do. Research shows that active deep tissue massage is not what you need when you feel stressed. You want to apply the brakes, not the gas. Instead, find a sweet spot between happiness and pain that is both productive and tolerable. Relax and enter the release state, breathe slowly and deeply, and observe the release of restrictive tissue.

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Credit: Adobe stock / Sebastian gauert

2. Do: Foam slowly rolling

some people roll their bodies like rolling pizza dough, causing them to miss a lot of sensory information. The results show that it is impossible to destroy adhesion by crimping and extruding tissues. Instead, move slowly and consciously. Count 10 breaths in each position, compress and lengthen your target area, and do small movements in the direction of limitation.

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credit: Adobe Stock/Undrey

3. Don't do this: if you keep releasing the piriform muscles of your hips, but the tension is back, it may be time to spend some time elsewhere. Muscles are likely to work overtime, so ask yourself why that muscle works so hard. It could be due to problems elsewhere, such as ankle instability or restricted shoulders on the other side of the body. Instead, aim for new places you haven't tried. Find a nearby muscle that is inhibited and activate it through steady training. A better way is to have your clinician evaluate your activities and guide you where you should focus.

Credit: Adobe stock / taranvlada

4. No: it's only attributable to the benefits of muscle stretching. The relief of

's pain after foam rolling and the ease of movement felt are usually attributed to the structure of stretching or releasing, but the reality is that pain can not be attributed solely to the occurrence of muscle or fascia. In addition, you cannot selectively target only fascia or muscles. When you compress and roll your body, all other cells, including muscles, nerves, skin and fat, are involved. Don't forget that there are many other important structures at work that send information back and forth to the brain through the spinal cord. The role of the nervous system is stronger than any mechanical change that occurs when pressure is applied.

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5. Do: educate yourself to think about functions and actions, not structures. The human body is a well-balanced ecosystem, not a car with broken parts that need to be repaired. Change the driver (your brain and nervous system), not the car (your muscles and fascia). Without tools, the effects and benefits of foam rolling are impossible, but your body's ability to change from inside to outside should be praised.

praise: Adobe stock / yeko photo studio

6. Do: the benefits of self myofascial release after exercise and stretching will not last for a long time unless you continue to exercise meaningfully to keep the change going. The purpose of pain is to train your body to engage in protective behavior. If your nervous system is afraid to bend over and touch your toes, you will use it safely and apply the brakes within your range of motion. So after the bubble rolls, do some painless exercises. This will reduce your body's unconscious "alarm system." For example, if the back of your neck is stiff, rotate it, and then slowly tuck your chin into your chest 10 times, imagining tissue stretching and relaxing.

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do you know how to use the foam roller correctly? Do you do other forms of self myofascial release? Do you think it helps your performance and movement? What kind of stretching do you do to increase or maintain your flexibility? Share your stories, suggestions and questions in the comments section below!

Credits: Adobe stock / lolostock

about the author: Kevin Hendry

is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Kevin Hendry is the education director of rad roll and also a writer, educator, sportsman and strength training coach. He is currently studying for a master's degree in orthopedics at the Canadian College of orthopedics and working in trenches to help people move and perform better. Kevin has ten years of experience in coaching NCAA level 1 players, CFL football players, Canadian national team players and BC Hockey League players.

related: learn more about rad roller.

Credit: Facebook: kevin.henry.18