
10 ways to expose your face to health problems

it's not the day anyone wants to start when they wake up and find the acne on their face. While it's easy to grab soap as a quick solution, it might be worth a second opinion. What if these pimples are a symptom of a deeper health problem, such as food sensitivity, or a lack of vitamin A, zinc, or omega-3? Below is a common cosmetic error that may be caused by potential health problems. We also include a comprehensive approach to fixing the root cause of the problem.

span credit: span> 20, 20 / @ jamiediagaranto to H3> 1. Unwanted facial hair for women, unwanted facial hair may be a sign of hormonal imbalance, which is caused by over secretion of androgens (hormones produced by gonads and adrenals). Or it may be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), especially with irregular or missing menstrual cycles. Dr Trevor cates suggests that before making an appointment for the next wax, see a doctor who knows how to naturally balance hormones. She is the first licensed female naturopath in California and the author of "clean skin from the inside." Herbal supplements like absinthe and saw palmetto also help offset excess androgens, she said. Although the situation of acne breakthrough is different, one of the potential causes of acne breakthrough may be your diet. According to the study of Kate Kanner, RDN and LD, there are some studies that show that when following a low glycemic index diet, acne will decrease, including reducing white flour, sugar and processed foods, and increasing the intake of vegetables and whole grains. Dairy products may also be the cause of acne, because it may be associated with increased sebum, which secretes oily substances to prevent dry skin. Lack of sleep should not be the sole cause of dark circles. Dr. cates also said that "dark circles" are often referred to as "allergic eye muscles", which shows that the food you eat is toxic. Try removing the most common food allergens, such as dairy products, gluten and eggs, for 10 days to see if they decrease, she suggests. If not, she recommends an allergy test to see if environmentally sensitive factors such as mold, pet dander or pollen can cause reactions under the eyes. The plaque with white or red mass is easy to be mistaken as small pimple and treated. But they're actually called trichokeratosis, a skin condition that occurs when you don't get enough essential fatty acids, zinc and / or vitamin A, says Dr cates. To help your skin maintain a healthy oil barrier, be sure to eat essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 in wild salmon. Add some pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, beef and kidney beans to increase zinc intake. Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables, "she said. Note that these lumps also tend to appear in the back of the arm, hips, and thighs.

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5. Cracking lips,

, and the persistent struggle against lip cracking may be related to your diet, but not to your lipstick brand. It could be a symptom of insufficient niacin or zinc in the diet, "canner said. Vegetarians and vegetarians may be the most experienced in this problem, as high concentrations of niacin and zinc have been found in animal products such as chicken, liver and fish. She suggests using chickpeas and pumpkin seeds to extract zinc and peanuts and mushrooms to extract niacin for plant-based resources. If cracks and blisters seem to be permanent fixtures at the corners of your mouth, this is another dietary problem. According to Dr Cates, any cracking, blistering or crusting in this area is a sign of iron and vitamin B deficiency, particularly B-2 and B-12. Don't panic: it's common and simple to correct this. You need to add foods rich in iron and vitamin B, such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, free range chicken and herbivorous beef, she said. In addition, to ensure that your body receives the maximum amount of iron and vitamin B from these "ferrites", match them with fiber rich beans and vegetables or enzymes containing papaya. If your eyebrows, especially the outer third, are getting thinner, this could be a sign of insufficient thyroid activity, which means your hormone levels are unbalanced, says Dr cates. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include dry skin, weight gain, constipation or fatigue. Talk to the doctor about thyroid examination. Dr. Katz said that if considered to be lacking in vitality, work with professionals who can provide personalized support for hormone balance. Credit:

8. Although you're always quick to attribute your Irish ancestry to your pale skin, it might be worth examining if that's the reason. Another potential cause? Anemia is caused by vitamins B-12, B-6, folate and / or iron deficiency, said Dr cates. This is more common in people who eat a vegan diet or have indigestion. D absorb or are taking certain drugs, such as antacids and metformin, "she said. Do some blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies, and increase intake of dark green leafy vegetables, beans, free chicken and herbivorous beef.

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9. Dry skin

although there is often a correlation between dry skin and dehydration, drinking more water may not be the best (or only) solution for skin. For people with eczema or dermatitis, increasing the intake of polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 or gamma linolenic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid, may prove successful because they help skin cells retain water, canner said. For any flaky skin, niacin deficiency may be the cause.


10. Wrinkles

although we cannot avoid the aging process, we may be able to control how long wrinkles start to appear. If you have premature wrinkles, please note: studies have found a link between inadequate vitamin C intake and the likelihood of wrinkles forming. " Vitamin C is not only an antioxidant, it's also involved in the formation of collagen, the structural protein that makes up the skin matrix, "Kanner said. She pointed out that another study showed that collagen supplementation can also reduce skin dryness and wrinkles, but more research is needed to confirm this. But you can't guarantee your vitamin C intake by mistakeMeet the standard, which means you have to eat papaya, bell pepper, broccoli, strawberries and pineapple. Do you think your skin might try to tell you a hidden condition? Did this information surprise you? Share in the comments area!

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