
8 low impact moves for strength

whether you want to be the next Dwayne "rock" Johnson, or just want to perform better on the court or in the gym, strength is the key. The problem is that traditional strength training often has a high impact, which can put real pressure on your muscles and joints. Even if you can cope with high impact movements, it's a good idea to take a break from them, which can promote recovery and reduce the risk of injury. The following eight exercises are variations of low impact or traditional actions that can help you build strength without stress.


traditional strength practice jumping and Olympic weightlifting are amazing in enhancing your strength, but they will also cause great pressure on your muscles and joints. For example, when you're sprinting, the ground reaction can be five times your weight. This means that a 200 pound person is exerting about 1000 pounds of force on the ground, which is a huge burden on your body. The same is true when taking off in the long jump: depending on the height of the jump, the impact on your body can be more than four times your weight.

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in this action, sit or stand facing the wall, hold a medicine ball in front of your chest, close to your body. Keep ABS tight, hips back and back down. How to do it: throw the ball on the wall explosively and don't let your hips spin or move. Catch at chest height. If the ball falls below your chest before catching it, you may need to get close to the wall or throw hard. Remember to use as much force as you can on every shot. Start real strength training with six throws in three to five groups, or do 15 to 20 throws to gain strength endurance.

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points: points: Travis McCoy / Travis McCoy. Com

fitness ball dunk

there is no better practice for whole body strength than fitness ball dunk. The feet should be slightly wider than the hips when they are apart. Keep your abs tight, hips back and low back. What to do: quickly lift the ball over your head. Explosively reverses direction, slams ball to ground and catches it as it bounces. During the whole training process, you should focus on keeping your abs active and not let your lower back bend or upper back bend. Complete three to five sets of five to six grand slam strength exercises, or try 15 to 20 strength endurance exercises.


Kettlebell swing

Kettlebell swing imitates jumping action, but there is no ankle extension and landing impact. First, the feet are hip width apart. Put the Kettlebell down in front of you with both hands. Keep your abs tight and your back neutral. What to do: push your hips back, not down. Once your chest is parallel to the ground, push your hips forward explosively, squeeze the gluteus maximus, swing the Kettlebell forward, and push it up to shoulder height towards the ceiling. Try not to lift the Kettlebell to the top with your arm - it's all about gravity. You should feel your hamstring and gluteus maximus working. When you do the next repeat, let the Kettlebell swing back. Perform three to five sets of five to six explosive repetitions to gain momentum, or 10 to 20 repetitions to gain momentum endurance.

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the force of pushing up to the elevation angle

this action helps to improve the upper body's explosive force and reduce the shoulder joint pressure. Method: put your hands under your shoulders and do push ups. Place your hands on the inside of two steps / mats about 3 to 6 inches high, or on a lifting platform or heavy box. Use your abs to prevent sagging or arching of the waist. Lower your body and keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle. Push away explosively to get your hands off your surface. Watch it. Landing at high altitude helps reduce impact on shoulder and elbow joints. Do three to five repetitions in three to five groups.

Credits: Travis McCoy / Travis McCoy. Com

single arm dumbbell pusher

the Olympic lifter is an important part of many training projects designed for power development. The reason is very good: they are effective! The problem with these movements is that they require weightlifters to bear heavy loads quickly and produce a lot of compression. You can get the same benefit from these actions without pressure with a single arm dumbbell push. How to do it: start with a shoulder high dumbbell. When you push your hips back, don't push them down. Turn the direction explosively, using leg drive to push the dumbbells toward the ceiling as you approach the standing position. Maintain the upper body position for one second, then reduce the weight to the shoulder height under control. Change hands and repeat on the other side. Do three to five groups of three to six repetitions.

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Credit: Travis McCoy / travismccoy. Com

box jumping

like sprinting, there is no better low / full body strength exercise than jumping. But as with sprinting, the impact of jumping (or, more specifically, landing) increases your joints. In order to reduce the impact of landing, you can skip to a box to make changes. This action requires some practice, so start with a lower box and just jump high enough to empty the box and gently land on it. Once you master this, you will move to a higher box. How to do it: stand in front of the box, swing your arms behind, and move your hips back. Jump up explosively and wave your arms to the ceilingTo create momentum. Land as gently as possible on the top of the box. Push your hips back without tilting your knees. Come down from the box, don't jump back from the box! Make three to five groups of three to six jumps.

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explosive force increase

just like box jumping, this action is an excellent way to achieve high impact without jumping. Method: start with one foot on the box (your thighs should be roughly parallel to the floor). Imagine, when you're pushing yourself up explosively, pushing your foot through the box while pushing the other leg up and forward, as if you were trying to cross your knee from the ceiling. Follow the jump all the way down, let your feet leave the box temporarily, and then gently absorb yourself back to the starting position. Repeat three to five times on each side, three to six times at a time. Credit: Travis McCoy / Travis McCoy. Com

What do you think? What other low impact actions can generate energy? How do you modify traditional strength exercises to protect your joints? Are these actions part of your current training? If not, try it out and tell us how they work for you in the comments below!

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