
The most challenging 12 combat rope exercises

Your head. If you can't use your legs, the sport will prove much more difficult than it should be. If you're trying to repeat the jump, try to do it once at a time, and then collect yourself after each action to maximize your strength through movement.

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: Travis McCoy / travismccoy. Com

7. Before you start, use alternating waves for scissor jumps, it's important to really focus on using your legs to help you complete the whole action. Suppose you have a square position on the rope with your hands on it. When you're ready, jump down, put your right leg behind you, and push your left leg forward - it's like a separate squat, but it only sinks your hips to half the depth of a completely separate squat. In the same way, the right arm is up and the left arm is down to the outside of the left leg. Jump out of the semi split squat and switch legs in the air, with the left arm up, the right arm down, to the outside of the right leg. Start slowly until you can control the whole movement. Once you have good movement control, increase your speed so that the repetition is continuous and there is no pause between jumps.

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8. Hit your head up and down

use this complex action to exercise your whole upper body and core. From your side stand and use the upper grip, sink to the squat. Drive your arms up and out through your legs so that your arms form a Y on your head (similar to a jump jack, but without legs). Inhale deeply as you raise your arms. Once your arm reaches the top, put your arm on the ground and let out a bang. When you land, crouch back fully. Once there, jump your legs back on the board, as if you were burping, with your hands under your shoulders. Immediately jump your legs back into your hands, keep your feet straight, and then stand up and reset.

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9. Running back and forth in alternating waves

is very helpful to improve your agility. First make a square movement, then run forward and backward, and use the rope to keep the arm up and down. Keep the waves short and fast as you sprint forward and backward. Try to cover about 10 feet of the ground as you move along the rope. Place the rope and hands on the outside of the hips and keep the hips forward throughout the run. Stand on your feet and keep your pace light.

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points: Travis McCoy / travismccoy. Com

10. Sitting hip rotation

in this special exercise, sit down and focus on your core. Sit facing the rope and grasp it with your hands. The rope should be loose from the heel to the ground. Similar to the previous hip toss rotation, you will pull the rope from hip to hip through your torso, although you will exclude the use of your legs in this change. Be sure to rotate your torso, but keep your chin and abdomen tight. Once you feel your feet relaxed, lift them a few inches off the ground for more challenges.

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11. Single arm snake shaped plank

enhances your core and arm strength through this complex action. Take the battle rope in one hand, and put the other hand on the floor directly under your shoulders, starting with a plank position. Keep your feet wide and press your weight back on your heels to provide a solid foundation for you. The hips are in line with the shoulders and heels, the pelvis is folded, and the spine is neutral. Once you've got the right bracket position, start moving your hand with the battle rope edge to edge at a fast pace. When you're done setting up, don't let your hips droop or lean to one side. Pretend you have a glass of water on your lower back that you don't want to spill. This way you can keep your hips level. Repeat with the other arm.

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12. The lateral plates of oblique and transverse abdominal forces are often ignored. It's an amazing exercise to isolate these areas. Instead of tying a battle rope around an anchor, tie one end of the rope to a Kettlebell or weight plate (about 8 to 15 pounds). Move the weighted end to one side of the room so that the rope is in a straight line. Start with the other end of the Kettlebell string. Place your body facing the rope on the side panel supported by your elbows. With your upper arm, pull the rope toward you and put the extra rope behind you. When pulling, keep your elbows close to your hips and torso, and keep a stable plank to prevent your hips from leaning forward or sinking to the ground. Once you've pulled the heavy end completely over you, put the heavy end of the rope back to the other end of the room, then back to the non heavy end, and repeat at the other end.

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What do you think? If you successfully complete all these actions, you may have collapsed to the ground and feel your heart is about to jump out of your chest! Good job! You just completed one of the most challenging workouts. Dare you try again? Have you used battle rope before? Did we miss your favorite action? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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