
Five signs that you don't work hard enough

some days are worth relaxing. " If you have other stressors in your life, you don't need to exercise to commit suicide, "said Pete McCall, San Diego's strength and fitness coach. However, if you're pursuing a goal, whether it's weight loss, physical strength or your first marathon, you need to keep challenging yourself to make progress. "

relaxation in the gym for a long time doesn't bring the necessary stimulation to your body. It needs to adapt to improve your weight, said Albert matheny, co-founder of SOHO strength lab and Nutrition Consultant of promise, who runs farther and faster, or burns fat more efficiently. Here are five signs that you can do more in training. The credit: half point / iStock / gettyimages

1. You didn't get stronger. Strength and conditioning coach Erica Sutter says after about four to six weeks of continuous training, you should be able to gain strength. So, if you're working toward a maximum squat (or you can safely squat down a small putt), but your number doesn't change after six weeks, you may need to adjust your intensity.

strength target, which means keeping your putter on the lower side (one to five) and gradually increasing weight every two weeks. Sutter said. Strength coach Albert Martini says if you're new to weightlifting (that is, less than a year), practice three groups eight to 12 times at a time. Once you have completed 12 repetitions in good condition, add weight.

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2. You never hurt. It's a good thing to have some soreness in the first 24 to 48 hours after exercise. Also known as delayed muscle soreness (DOMS), a small amount of pain indicates that your hard work is enough to damage your muscle fibers, which will cause them to recover and recover with proper nutritional support. Although you don't want to feel soreness every day, if you never feel soreness after exercise, it may be time to put in more work.

strength coach Erica Suter suggests gradually increasing your training volume or changing the type of exercise you are doing. This could mean moving from two workouts a week to three a week. If you want to lift weights, join the pendants group or the freaks, and if your goal is speed, add one or two sprints.

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you can talk and run.

not every run should be fatal, but if you want to be a speed demon, you need at least a few high-intensity workouts a week. The best way to measure your effort on a high intensity training day is whether you can form complete sentences in the most difficult parts of the training. If you talk in a few minutes, it's time to speed up, says Pete McCall, a personal trainer. For those who like to catch up with their favorite shows while running on the treadmill, McCall recommends stepping up during advertising. This translates into two to three minutes of hard work, then seven to nine minutes of easy recovery. Perform high intensity training twice a week, but no more than four times a week, with at least a full day off between workouts.

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4. It feels so simple. Adjust your rate of perceived exertion (RPE), or how hard you feel your body is working, to tell you whether you have been relaxing. You can use the Borg scale to evaluate your RPE. Nine of them correspond to "very light" sports, 13 correspond to "a little difficult", and 17 correspond to "very difficult". But personal trainer Peter McColl prefers a scale of one to ten. One is when you're sitting on the couch, and 10 is when you're sprinting all the way. Do you have any difficulty? " On an easy day, you should be between five and seven. At this rate, you should be able to have a conversation. In hard days, aim at seven or eight. At this level, you should be able to manage only one word here or there, but not more. Start tracking RPE and other training notes so you can judge your response to the intensity of the workout based on the time.

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5. You are boring. It is normal to have a day off. Or two. But if your exercise always makes you bored to tears, it may be that you have done the same thing for too long, and you need a signal of new challenges. Take this opportunity to reassess your goals. " People need to ask themselves, "what do I want next?" "Are you chasing power?" said strength coach Erica Sutter. Want to lose weight? Do you just want to burn after exercise? Checking in your goals will help you decide the best way to challenge yourself. Once you feel your daily exercise is rejuvenated, you can start manipulating your exercise variables - intensity, frequency, load - to continue to improve.

Credit: ibrakovic / iStock / gettyimages

What do you think?

what is your current exercise mode? After reading this article, do you think your exercise is a little too easy? Or maybe it's too hard. Neither is a good choice. What will happen to your exercise program? Do you see any other warning signs that your exercise is not enough to challenge you? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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